in mid-October, the prosecutor José Domingo Pérez requested remand for the president of the party Popular Force, Keiko Fujimori, and 11 other people, who investigated for the laundering of money from the accounting parallel of the construction of brazilian Odebrecht in the election campaign 2011. At midnight on Friday, judge Richard Conception dictated the last two decisions in this case and ordered pretrial detention for three years for the former minister of the Government of Alberto Fujimori, Jaime Yoshiyama: he added five of the closest associates of the leader of the opposition under that restriction. In addition, the personal secretary of the former presidential candidate has a hearing impairment out of the country and the extesorera of the party, to house arrest.

MORE INFORMATION Keiko Fujimori: history of a fall A judge peruvian imposed 36 months of preventive detention for Keiko Fujimori is A case of money laundering undermining the fujimorismo in Peru

The peculiar thing about this group is that they took decisions in Popular Force (and in the past, in Force 2011) in the opacity, in direct relationship with the eldest daughter of former president Alberto Fujimori, and directing the opinion of the congress of the party, who form the majority opposition in the Congress since July of 2016.

The magistrate Conception ordered an order of capture of national and international Yoshiyama as the former chief of election campaign in 2011 remains in Miami: his lawyer had indicated that after the 20th of November, his client would return to Peru after a medical appointment later eye surgery, but in the hearing on Friday reported that there would be another consultation on 4 December. “Why a follow-up appointment has not returned to the country? Does your client know that there is an order of preventive detention?”, he asked the judge to Conception, while the lawyer talked by WhatsApp with Yoshiyama, who has also been general secretary of the political formation.

The provincial prosecutor José Domingo Pérez investigates Keiko Fujimori, his collaborators and contributors fake the 2011 campaign for having formed a criminal organization that is enquistó in Force 2011 whitening 1.200.000 dollars from the Division of Operations Structured Odebrecht, that is to say, the area of bribes and the box parallel to the brazilian giant. Both the judge and the prosecutor identified that Fujimori and his advisors hindered the investigation using his contacts with judges and prosecutors investigated for being part of the mafia of corruption in the justice system, called Necks White Port.

on The night of Friday the judge also ordered to prohibit the output for three years for the former secretary of economy of Force 2011, Augusto Bedoya, who, according to a statement to the prosecutor’s office of the exsuperintendente of Odebrecht in Peru, Jorge Barata, coordinated with him and Liderbahis Yoshiyama the delivery of a million dollars for the 2011 campaign. Conception also ordered no contact with the other 10 defendants for money laundering.

The other people who are under preventive detention are Vicente Silva Checa, legal adviser to the fujimorismo; Pierre Figari and Ana Herz Vega, political advisors of Keiko Fujimori; and Luis Mejia, Lecca, expersonero legal and extesorero alternate Force 2011 who until a couple of weeks ago was the head of the defence office of the laws in the Congress. Silva acted as a figurehead (prestanombres) of the de facto head of the armed forces, Vladimiro Montesinos, in the purchase of a cable channel to put the editorial line of the medium at the service of the second re-election of Alberto Fujimori in the year 2000. While Herz was one of the two advisory personal Keiko Fujimori when he served as first lady of the Government of his father in the decade of the 90’s.

Giancarlo Bertini, one of the people that was looking for contributors to false, which received the money in cash and asked to third parties who paid into the account of Force 2011, also has an order of preventive detention, but on Friday night the judge Concepcion reported that he fled the country on 21 October.

Bertini made such efforts at the request of Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki, the nephew of Jaime Yoshiyama, who a couple of weeks ago he informed to his uncle and said that he received from him $ 800,000 for the campaign. The court ordered for Yoshiyama Sasaki appearance with restrictions and impediment of departure, in virtue of the information that has been provided to the office of the prosecutor.

Alan Garcia, on edge

Meanwhile, former president Alan Garcia, leader of the Apra Party, is celebrating its sixth day nestled in the residence of a diplomatic of Uruguay in Lima, after a judge ordered him to stay in the country for 18 months.

The prosecutor Perez, the Team’s Special Lava Jato, called for the establishment of Garcia –who resided in Madrid – to investigate for influence peddling, bribery and money laundering, due to the evidence received from Odebrecht on a payment –paid in 2012 to the former chief of State – $ 100,000, from the accounting parallel.

While Garcia said Saturday that he would stay in Peru to present all the evidence in his favor, came to the house of ambassador Carlos Barros hours after claiming “political persecution”.

The peruvian Chancellery and the minister of Justice, Vicente, Zeballos, argue that there is no deadline for the Government of Uruguay to respond, and, if granted asylum, and there is none for Peru to deliver the safe-conduct. The Government of Martín Vizcarra delivered Tuesday to Uruguay a diplomatic note which describes the five investigations by prosecutors to the Public Ministry continues to Garcia, for ordinary criminal offences linked with corruption.