Alexander the Great has it, Patrick Shanahan apparently done, or to be more precise: the big test, the Gordian knot. The held known the chariot of king Gordios, until the Macedonian ruler hit him, and the proof of his will to win. The US Department of defense is apparently held by a number of nodes of this kind, but the new master of the house knows how to use it: crush some, others divide into pieces and solve.

portioning, sorting, unbundle – that is the strength of Patrick Shanahan, 56, a trained mechanical engineer (Washington State University and mit in Boston). For three decades, he has for the aerospace group Boeing in a senior Position in a structured and reformed in the area of civil aviation, in the missile defense program and, most recently, in the group area for military aircraft. Colleagues, it certify great management skills and the gift to be able to the obsession in problems peeve.

Video: U.S. Secretary of defense, Mattis will be replaced by Shanahan once Again castlings in the White house. (Video: AFP)

17 months Ago the problem changed dramatically. Since Shanahan of U.S. President Donald Trump was appointed to the position of Deputy defense Minister, a decision that caused a stir in the Pentagon and in the Congress, first to discontent. His Senate hearing spent Shanahan on the Defensive, the then-living Senator John McCain rebuked him because of his unclear political attitude to the Ukraine and warned, it is not going to let the Fox into the chicken coop.

A completely new Situation

in fact, it was never A top-class representatives of the defense industry (Boeing, the second-most important supplier to the U.S. armed forces is appointed with a sales volume of 17 billion dollars a year) to the highest buyer, fiscal watchdog and Manager of the Ministry. The division of labor was clear: the Minister of defense of Jim Mattis was for policy, strategy, and Alliance partner in charge, Shanahan for Working at a Desk. Decisions to Boeing, he met first of all. For this, he underwent the work processes in the Ministry of a rigid Reform and prompted the first Pentagon financial audit.

After the soldiers had become accustomed to the engineer, came the second Surprise: Trump has been ordered after the resignation of Mattis, the former Deputy to the Minister-in-office – with immediate effect. Mattis had offered a two month transition phase, but the President wanted to duping the Minister after his harsh letter of resignation. 210 days, Shanahan may be taken without a hearing procedure, the President will leave the time up to the official nomination.

How Shanahan behaves towards his Boss?

Shanahan takes on a burden that he is not prepared. Its predecessor was with all the restraint of a profoundly political Minister, prevented the exploitation of the military by Trump largely, persistently, the old alliances used and the decades-long followed principles of American security policy. All of this is now up for grabs, and the question is whether Shanahan provides for the President to stand up to, or as an auxiliary to a Trump doctrine.

“Mattis’ resignation was a nasty message for civil-military relations, for the allies, and all who have appreciated the protection from the worst impulses of Trumps,” says the military expert Kori Schake, has written together with Mattis a book. The only certainty is that Shanahan brings to the table no experience in the security and military policy, or in Alliance Affairs. As a Trump, full of enthusiasm, the building of a new armed force for the world space announced that it was Shanahan at least studiously. It is not located in the “no Department”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 27.12.2018, 22:27 PM