Donald Trump returned to showcase this Monday his disdain and fear for the freedom of the press to open a new front in their offensive against the television network CNN. The american president suggested that Washington should promote a channel of information world as a counterweight to CNN, which he accuses of projecting a negative image of him and of US in the rest of the world.

“While CNN is not doing very well in the united States taking into account their numbers of audience, outside of the USA has very little competition,” wrote Trump on Twitter. “Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice, showing to the united States in a way unfair and false. Something needs to be done, including the possibility that the united States start our own chain of global to show the world the way we really are. ¡Great!”, added the republican.

Trump has turned CNN into Pashacasino the favorite target of their war declared to the media that are not considered to be related and labeled as “enemies of the people” and “dishonest”. Prominent institutions, including the UN, have warned that the rhetoric of the president can encourage violence against reporters and is a bad example in the promotion of the freedom of the press in the world.

The u.s. Government already funds currently Voice of America, a chain of radio and television, which emits contents in the and abroad, and has a didactic approach. But the proposal of the republican to launch a channel itself seems to be attached to the idea of a kind of tv propaganda that is not critical of his Administration.

Trump has already shown in the past their discomfort because CNN has a predominant presence in the foreign at the expense of, for example, the conservative Fox News, which is their channel of choice. The president complained of only being able to see CNN in a hotel abroad, or even, according to some media, is pissed off because his wife Melania were looking at that channel during a flight in the presidential plane.

The new attack from Trump to CNN comes a week after the White House to restore the credential from Jim Acosta, reporter of the string, after that ordered a judge. The White House decided to withdraw the credential standing of the press to Acosta after that he maintain a run-in with verbal Trump during a tense press conference on November 7.