a month after the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria, U.S. President Donald Trump has received his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the White house in Washington. Trump and Erdogan came together on Wednesday first of all, with their wives and then bilaterally in the Oval Office.

During the interview, it should go, according to information from the White house, among other things, the situation in Northern Syria, where Turkey is going against the Kurdish militia YPG. The YPG is the ally of the U.S. armed forces in the fight against the terrorist militia Islamic state (IS).

Trump was trying to be friendly tones. “The President and I are very good friends,” he said before his Meeting with Erdogan in the Oval Office. “We have long been friends almost since the first day.” You understand each other’s country. Trump also said that in the North of Syria agreed to ceasefire consider “very good”. Erdogan’s visit was accompanied by smaller protests in front of the White house. The relationship between the Nato partners Turkey and the USA, however, is tense due to the many points of dispute. The Turkish invasion of Northern Syria had exacerbated the tensions.

US Opposition criticises invitation

And there was criticism of the invitation Trumps for Erdogan. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen accused Trump to Erdogan for the attack on the YPG rewarded.

The Turkish army was on 9. October allied rebels in Northern Syria invaded to expel the YPG from the border area. Turkey considers the Kurdish militia as a terrorist organization. Trump had opened the Offensive with a withdrawal of U.S. troops from the border area in Northern Syria the way. Critics accused to him to have the YPG been left in the lurch.

From the White house it was said before the Meeting that there is no intention to terminate the cooperation with the YPG-dominated Syrian Democratic forces (SDF). It was “very concerned” about the situation of religious and ethnic minorities in the North-East of Syria. “The priorities of the President, especially for North-East Syria are clear: We want to prevent the resurgence of ISIS and the humanitarian atrocities against religious and ethnic minorities, such as Christians, Yazidis and Kurds.”

Various issues

From the White house it was said, even the acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile system in Turkey will come during the visit to the language. The US is afraid that Russia passes through the sensitive Radar of the weapons system data on the stealth capabilities of the US F-35 fighter. Ankara was a Partner in the construction of the F-35 fighter jets and wanted to buy many of the aircraft. Because of the arms deals with Moscow, the US has excluded Turkey from the F-35 program.

Erdogan said Tuesday in Ankara before his departure to the USA, he look forward to the conversation with Trump positive, even if the relationship was strained. “In spite of the gloomy climate in our relationships, we are us President, Trump agreed, when it comes to solving problems, and our relations extend.”

The U.S. house of representatives had decided at the end of last month, an overwhelming majority of tough sanctions against Turkey. The Senate, which must agree to the Resolution, will deal only after the Erdogan visit. Erdogan said he wanted to talk with Trump about the living in the USA preacher Fethullah Gülen. Turkey’s Gülen for the coup attempt in July 2016 responsible and calls for his extradition. Gulen denies any responsibility for the coup.

Created: 13.11.2019, 20:34 PM