US President Donald Trump is not “has been defended on Thursday his decision for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria and to understand that the United States be the policeman of the Middle East”.

The decision, from Syria to deduct was not a Surprise, said Trump in the short message service Twitter. For this, he’ll kick for years.

In his Tweet, he posed the rhetorical question of whether the United States “wanted to be a policeman in the Middle East” and “get nothing except the loss of precious lives and thousands of billions of dollars”. The US army shooter in addition, people who do not know this “in most cases”. “We want to stay there forever? It is time to fight for others, now.”

“other than the Fake News to say, Russia, Iran, Syria and many others are not happy about it, go to the United States,” tweeted Trump. Because now you would have “the IS and others that you hate, without us to fight”.

Who what are the areas in Syria A war-torn country, five parties to the conflict: The balance of power in Syria in a controlled manner. Map: pvo/source: New York Times (Click here to enlarge the map)

Trump announced on Wednesday the withdrawal of some 2000 US soldiers out of Syria. The withdrawal could have a significant impact on the balance of forces in Syria, where rivals of the United States, such as Russia and Iran in the past few years, a great deal of influence have won. He also represents the survival of the Kurdish militias in question, the fighting there so far, with the support of the United States against the IS.

Not only in the Anti-IS combatants allies, such as Germany, France and the UK, the decision met with some criticism. Many politicians and experts in the United States criticized the withdrawal as premature, since it strengthen the IS-militia and Iran, Russia and Syria’s ruler Bashar al-Assad a free Hand. (hvw/sda)

Created: 20.12.2018, 14:41 PM