The Armed Forces were in a state of alert, while the verkhovna Rada (Parliament) approved the martial law with a duration of 30 days from 28 November until 26 December. This regime shall not affect the scheduled elections to the 31 of march. The Rada requested guarantees, in addition, that it will not restrict public freedoms. The “state of war” will be extended to 10 regions (in the most conflictive points on the border between the two countries), the total of 27 administrative units. The extent of the exception proposed by the president Petró Poroshenko was approved by 276 deputies out of 450 that there are in total.


EDITORIAL | The wound of Donbás Russia to tie the control of the separatists in Eastern Ukraine Dies an activist ukraine against the corruption that was attacked with acid Ukraine will put an end to the treaty of friendship with Russia

The session of the Rada was behind closed doors and lasted several hours, during which the deputies blocked the rostrum of speakers as a sign of protest. Poroshenko had submitted in the morning the decree, which included the limitation of 12 rights and civil liberties, according to the page of the information service Lb. After, during the stormy session of parliament, Poroshenko presented a second decree, anti-aliasing, where it is reduced to half the term of validity of the measure of the 60 days foreseen initially. The president said that, as requested by the deputies, there would be no restrictions of the freedoms. This text of the second decree was not widespread, according to Lb, citing several meps.

Shortly before, the head of State communicated its position to its fellow citizens in a speech to television. Said to have data security services, according to which there is a “serious threat” that Russia will launch an “operation of infantry” against Ukraine.

Activists are Ukrainian ultra-right ask in front of the Parliament in the establishment of the martial law. SERGEI SUPINSKY AFP

the leader of The party Position, Civic, Anatoliy Gritsenko, who is also a candidate for election, commented on Facebook that in the decree submitted by president Petró Poroshenko will stipulate measures that can be put into practice without martial law, and that, in contrast, are not limitations in the diplomatic and commercial relations with the country-aggressor.

president Ukrainian aseguara that martial law will not serve to postpone the elections

The incident between the ships the russians and ukrainians, occurred on Sunday, when Russia prevented the passage to the flotilla (two patrolmen and a tug boat) which sailed from Odessa on the Black sea, heading to Mariúpol, in the sea of Azov, and threatened to shoot. The russians fulfilled their threats and, as a result of the shooting, several sailors ukrainians were injured, apparently without severity. The incident has been documented in various videos that you can find on the Internet, in which you see how the boat Russian attacks against the ship in Ukrainian, as well as in the sound recordings of the radio transmissions between the two contingents faced. “We have wounded. We need help,” exclaimed a rough voice in Ukrainian. “We will open fire to give, we have machine guns of large caliber. Come out with your hands high,”, he answered, with resolution, another voice in Russian.

The Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) has confirmed its performance and was justified “violation of boundaries” on Tavla the part of the ships Ukrainian. The FSB reported the existence of three wounded and said that they had received medical attention, but the media of ukraine ensure that the wounded were six. The representative of Ukraine in the Security Council of the UN, Vladimir Elchenko, reported this Monday that one of the soldiers wounded in the incident is in “critical condition”.

In essence, and according to the official reactions of their representatives, Ukraine considers that its fleet was the subject of an “aggression” and Russia calls “provocation” the step of the contingent naval.

The time in which a flotilla of military Ukrainian attempts to reach the sea of Azov from the Black sea. atlas

The navigation of the waters of the sea of Azov and the Kerch strait is regulated by a bilateral treaty of 2003 (ratified by Russia and by Ukraine, and not reported until now), according to which it is an inland sea managed together, where they can circulate without restrictions vessels belonging to both countries, both merchant and military, and of other types, and also the ships guests of third States, including the war, with the prior agreement of the parties.

Annexation of Crimea

however, the situation has in fact changed since the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, as Moscow has passed to consider it as your own territorial waters, Ukrainian around the coast of the peninsula (an area of 22 miles) and also to control the two shores of the strait of Kerch, which has built unilaterally by a bridge, which was inaugurated in may.

The secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg urged Russia to release “immediately” to the boats. After meeting with the ambassadors of the 29 countries of the Alliance and its Ukrainian counterpart, Stoltenberg said that “there is no justification for the use of military force” against the flotilla ukraine and called on Russia to “guarantee” the freedom of navigation and access to ports by Ukraine in that area. “Actions have consequences”, was settled without specifying which ones.

The head of the Alliance called, in addition, to the “calm” and “restraint” and reminded Russia that it must stop its support to military groups and to withdraw all its forces from the territory Ukrainian. “The allies will not recognize the annexation illegal and illegitimate Crimea,” said Stoltenberg, who considered that the actions of Russian are undermining the stability of the area.

The president of the united STATES, Donald Trump, said that he did not like the situation and that it was working with european leaders to find a solution. For his part, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, condemned the use of force from Russia and stated that “the EU remains united in its support for Ukraine”.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said he will do everything possible to defuse the tension by the incident, as reported by the office of Poroshenko after a phone call between the two leaders. In Berlin, officials from Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France gathered yesterday to seek a way out of the crisis. With regard to the pressures of the Parliament in Ukrainian to avoid postponement of the elections, keep in mind that the president’s popularity is very low and does not figure among the main candidates for the elections of the 31st of march. The pleaserita for these elections is former prime minister Yulia Timoshenko, whose parliamentary group has 20 seats.