the united States press with more force to the regime of Nicaragua. President Donald Trump has signed this Tuesday an executive order to punish the nicaraguan authorities for participating in human rights abuses, in the retreat from democracy in the central american country and pose a “threat to national security”. In its third round of sanctions against Nicaragua, the Department of Treasury has risen in the ranks political until you get to Rosario Murillo, the vice president designated and the wife of president Daniel Ortega, and Nestor Moncada Lau, adviser to the national security.


The misery and violence oppress the misquitas of Nicaragua, The vice-president of Nicaragua, led the response to the protests against Ortega

“I, Donald Trump, as president of the united States, I think that the situation in Nicaragua (…) is an extraordinary and unusual threat to the national security and foreign policy of the united States and, therefore, I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat”, reads the executive order signed Tuesday by the republican. The measure is a response to the “violent response” from the Government of Ortega to the protests that began in April for a few controversial cuts to public pensions and that spread quickly. The clashes between police and protesters have left more than 350 dead and at least 2,000 wounded.

sanctions against Murillo and Moncada blocked all their property and assets under the jurisdiction of the united STATES, and prevent persons and u.s. entities to do business with them. Washington adopted Casino Siteleri the same rating of “threat to national security” with regard to Venezuela at the final stage of the Government of Barack Obama and the Management of Trump has been held.

The order also listed as causes of the punishment “the systematic dismantling of the democratic institutions and the rule of law on the part of the regime of Ortega, its use of indiscriminate violence and repressive tactics against civilians and the corruption that has led to the destabilization of the nicaraguan economy”.

The Treasury Department justified the choice of Murillo, and Moncada for being people who “are involved in human rights abuses or acts of corruption in Nicaragua.” USA is determined to prevent the officers to Ortega’s access to the u.s. financial system to obtain profit “at the expense of the nicaraguan people”, advised the Treasury in a statement.

The Administration Trump warned that this does not end here. Washington will continue to “adding pressure” on the regime of Ortega and his supporters using “all the economic tools and diplomacy at our disposal.” The goal of the united States is that Nicaragua’s president ahead of the elections in the central american country. A couple of months ago, Ortega said in an interview on Fox News, the chain of television’s favorite Trump, who did not intend to abide by the request to us arguing that this would create “more instability” in the country.

At the beginning of July, the Treasury Department sanctioned economically to three executives for their involvement in “serious abuses” against human rights and corruption: Francisco Diaz, the chief of the National Police; Fidel Moreno Briones, secretary general of the Mayor’s office of Managua; and Francisco López Centeno, vice president of Albanisa -the company set up to do oil business with Venezuela. Almost a month later, the White House turned to condemn the violence and human rights abuse, and said that the responsibility “in the last instance” lies in the president and his wife, Rosario Murillo.