WASHINGTON – three weeks from the start of the season, the democratic primary in Iowa, the last debate between the aspiring challengers Donald Trump lives up to expectations. Once again, does not emerge a true leader, in spite of on the stage, the candidates have remained only in six, starting from the frontrunner Joe Biden. Among the big it attends to the expected sparks between the two senators progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, forced to go to war in order to earn the palm of the anti-Biden even before the anti-Trump. In the end, not shake, not even the hand, but in reality, we cannot speak of a real fight.

Sanders rejects the accusations as the ally of the left dem, and reiterates that he never said that a woman will never win the presidential elections of 2020: “it Is my story to speak to me, on YouTube you can find a video 30 years ago, where I say that the victory of a woman is possible.” Warren dismisses the question with a joke: “Here on this stage and I, and Amy Klobuchar (the other candidate dem-editor’s note) we are the unique that over the past 30 years have wrought a republican. And the people here on the stage they lost all the elections of the last ten years”. All here, but just enough to leave the rusts.

Biden tries to keep out of the fray, and the more that attack seeks to limit the damage, thanks to the latest polls, that the damage growth in Iowa, where until a few weeks ago seemed to be out of the game. So in the end, minute hand, speaks much less than its most direct rivals, forced to defend himself really, only once: “I have already said 13 years ago that it was a mistake voting for the war in Iraq”, replica Bernie Sanders that defines the vote “the worst decision of our history together to the Vietnam war”. For the rest of Biden that he is ready to face Trump in a face-to-face, to become the Commander in chief and to lead the Country from the height of his experience of eight years in the White House alongside Barack Obama.

Performance in “chiaroscuro” for Pete Buttigieg, from foreign policy to the question of health care shows a great competence, but perhaps not able to affect as he would like, and to carve out really effectively in the role of the moderate alternative to Biden. Meanwhile, in the next few hours the Room would vote on the sending of the articles for the impeachment of Trump in the Senate and the speaker Nancy Pelosi will appoint the personality that will coordinate and manage the process against the president. The process according to the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell should begin next Tuesday.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on Delrio: “On migrants, we do not changes soft. We need a new law” The habit of pretending nothing is Pd, is already an air of congress. Gori Bonaccini here who think primary, No, it’s not the economy M5S, change at the top of Rousseau. And Of the Baptist there is a new role

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