In the conflict over the planned aid deliveries from the United States, Venezuela has closed itself off against the outside world: President Nicolás Maduro announced on Thursday after a Meeting with Army chief-of the closure of the border to Brazil “until Further notice”.

President Maduro announced after a Meeting with Army chief, the border will be closed from 20.00 PM local time (Friday, 01.00 CET). Previously, the socialist government had already closed the border to the Dutch Caribbean Islands Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire. The border to Colombia is closed to vehicles for years to a large extent. The government wants to prevent that of the USA, provided and to the Opposition demanded relief supplies to get into the country.

The humanitarian aid for Venezuela becomes the pawn in a power struggle between President Maduro and the Opposition. The leader of the opposition and self-proclaimed transitional President Juan Guaidó the government has set a deadline of Saturday to several tons, mainly from the USA, provided medicines and food to the country, which are so far blocked in Colombia.

Maduro refuses categorically, US-aid. He sees this as a pretext and deception to prepare the ground for a U.S.-led military intervention. In the meanwhile, from around 50 countries, including Germany, as a transitional President recognized Guaidó broke on Thursday with a convoy of Caracas, in the direction of the Colombian border, to get the relief supplies into the country.

Previously Guaidó had confirmed that the relief supplies would also go against the resistance of the government to the country: “The humanitarian aid will come, no matter what happens – on the sea or on the land,” he said. How, exactly, the interim President wants to enforce, he said.

Both sides are planning big concerts

In your forces, measure both sides concerts schedule, meanwhile, on the Colombian border. On the Initiative of the British Virgin-boss and billionaire Richard Branson is to take place on Friday in Cucuta, on the Colombian side, the charity concert “Venezuela Aid Live”, in the case of the donations for the Venezuelan population are to be collected.

international Stars such as Alejandro Sanz and Miguel Bosé from Spain, Juan Luis Guerra from the Dominican Republic, Juanes and Carlos Vives from Colombia and by the Hit “Despacito” well-known Puerto Rican Luis Fonsi should Occur.

The Venezuelan government announced, meanwhile, is a concert under the Motto “hands off Venezuela” in just 300 meters distance to the Tienditas-border bridge. To occur, was not informed, the concert will also start on Friday and three days. “What are you doing on the other side of the border, the Problem is – we will defend our territory,” said Diaro Vivas of the government party.

The former head of state, Maduro had on 10. January started officially his second term. The largest part of the Opposition had boycotted the presidential election in may 2018, and does not recognise the result. A month ago, the oppositional Parliament President Guaidó in the case of mass protests, had declared to be a transitional head of state.

In Venezuela for years, a serious supply crisis, although the country has the world’s largest Oil reserves. More than 2.3 million inhabitants fled from the country, where there is a lack of medicines, food and other articles of daily needs. (Dec/sda)

Created: 21.02.2019, 18:47 PM