The donation was generous: 500’000 dollars, the organisers of the celebrations were given to the inauguration of President Donald Trump. From Citgo Petroleum, the US subsidiary of the state oil company of Venezuela, PdVSA. President Nicolás Maduro has put his signature on the cheque. But it is highly unlikely that the sum was passed without his Knowledge. Citgo serves as a political instrument of power.

That Trump would be a good to two years later, in such a way in the Parade, had Maduro is expected probably. On Wednesday is likely to him finally became clear that he has, in spite of the 500’000 dollars no allies in the White house.

Maduro has managed the once richest country in South America with a populist-socialist Agenda within a few years in the abyss. Millions of people have left the country. Violence is on the agenda. The Inflation rises and rises. A Kilo of tomatoes cost just before the currency cut in August, the five million Venezuelan. Then, just five zeros have been deleted. Today, the currency is cut as a failure. A good third of the inhabitants of Venezuela can afford just one meal a day.

American diplomats do not unplug

Since the days of the protests shake the country. Hundreds of thousands take to the streets to protest against Maduro. The had started with an apparently rigged election to a second term difficult, the two weeks ago.

In the Maduro largely disempowered Parliament, but the Opposition dominated. The leaders and Parliament’s President Juan Guaidó said on Wednesday even as President. Trump has recognised it immediately as such. To him, the Lima-States followed a group of American countries, the absence of a decision by Maduro 2017 used the constituent Assembly to accept, with Peru and Canada at the top.

Maduro responded by severing diplomatic relations of his country with the United States. 72 hours, the United States had of time, your diplomats to be deducted. Guaidó asked all diplomats to stay in the country. US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo was shortly afterwards announced that all American diplomats will remain in Venezuela, to help the transitional government of Guaidó in the best possible way. The U.S. Department of state also advised a clear warning to the Venezuelan leadership: “The United States will take appropriate measures in order to pull each and every responsibility that endangered the security of our diplomatic mission and its personnel.”

The United States, Maduro has long been a thorn in the eye

Trumps step, Guaidó to recognize as a legitimate President, it is rather unusual. So far, he has upgraded, especially rhetorically against Maduro. But now he can leave it at that. His goal is clear: Maduro has to go. Only no one knows how far he will go to achieve the goal. And if he is willing to sacrifice anything for this goal. His doctrine of America first,” America “is first. Would rather fit, from Venezuela to stay out of this. For Trump and his doctrine has developed in Venezuela over the night to an explosive test case.

The United States Maduro’s ascent to the presidency has long been a thorn in the eye. Except for a couple of more or less effective sanctions, but imposed by both the Obama Administration as well as the Trump-government against the country, not much has happened. Nothing, anyway, which would have brought Maduro to the edge of the power loss.


failed to do The back posture of the United States has with the experience of the past. Again and again the US have tried to pry displeasing governments in the Latin American region from the office. Most of the time it is not going to end well. On Cuba in 1961, the CIA concerted U.S. Bay of pigs Invasion failed in the approach. A U.S.-supported coup in Chile brought forth in 1973, a merciless and long-lasting military dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet. And in the 80s, support the Reagan administration the right-wing rebels, the Contras in Nicaragua against the Soviet Union, members of the immediate government of the Sandinistas fought. In the civil war, tens of thousands of people died. The result: It reigns today, as then, with the interruption – Sandinista chief Daniel Ortega.

Also in Venezuela had their chances, the USA, to intervene actively. In 2002, there has not been a coup against Hugo Chávez, he was briefly in Power. The United States had prior contact with the coup leaders. They refused but each support. And even tried, the perpetrators of the coup change her mind. In vain. Ultimately, the coup failed. Chávez was reinstated as President.

In the past year to have met some of the renegade military against Maduro coup preparations. According to a report in the New York Times from last September, you were with the US government in contact. After all, Trump had said in August last year, a “military Option” against Maduro in consideration. The Regime’s opponents therefore had probably hoped to have Trump as an ally that provides you with equipment and logistical help. Your contact person on the US side, however, were only interested in information on the status of preparations. The perpetrators of the coup are now blown, and for the most part in prison.

Largest Oil reserves in the world

in Spite of economic collapse, Venezuela is a smaller and smaller Makes the end of Oil. For Trump, this seems to be a particularly important factor. The country has the largest Oil reserves in the world and, with a little over a Million barrels per day the largest oil-producing countries. 95 percent of the exports of Venezuela depends on Oil business.

Before it comes to a military Intervention, the United States in tougher sanctions, such as a ban on imports of Oil from Venezuela. Or, as a start, a ban on the export of products required in Oil production. The concerns of Venezuela, namely almost exclusively from the USA.

Trump is interested in cheap Oil, to keep the US economy going. And has shown well so far at least, little interest in an unstable situation in Venezuela.

Now the Situation is different. The price of Oil is low. The time window for harsh sanctions would be there. If Trump wants to seriously support the self-proclaimed transitional government of opposition leader Juan Guaidó, sanctions might be a first step that would meet the Maduro Regime hard. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 24.01.2019, 10:45 PM