Nearly 350’000 US government employees to go on the last weekend of the old year on their wages, the partial government shutdown will continue for at least until the middle of next week. Behind the Shutdown is a political forces, hides measure between Donald Trump and the Congress of Democrats: The President wants known to grant five billion dollars on his wall Mexico, the Opposition, in contrast, only 1.3 billion. And not for a wall, but for General improvements in the security along the border with the southern neighbours. Who gives in? And who wins in the end? The Democrats enjoyed “Donald Trump & the Republicans no victory,” tweeted the President on Thursday – as if Democrats and Republicans had agreed to in the Senate before Christmas, on a compromise. Trump refused his signature, after horrified-media speakers, such as Radio Talker Rush Limbaugh and the President accused of, he’ll tell his base.

Ineffective fear-mongering

so, the old Congress has left Washington already, the new Parliament will have a meeting on Thursday for the first time together with the Shutdown deal. Trumps calculus: The new democratic majority in the house of representatives will be busy with a solution to the crisis, instead of immediately initiate investigations against the government. And not only the followers will reward their intransigence, the Democrats would have to also reckon with the wrath of the voters because they put national security at risk.

The inflow of “illegal drugs, Criminals, MS-13-gangsters, child smugglers and human traffickers” should be prevented, “the American people are protected,” said trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders in this sense. The fear-mongering before the storm on the U.S. southern border, proved to be already ahead of the congressional elections in early November as largely ineffective, the Republicans lost, as you know, the suburbs and the majority in the house of representatives.

risk for Democrats

Leading Democrats advocate, therefore, a strategy that aims to chwörung of the new Congress on a compromise between Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), the Republican majority leader in the Senate, and the likely democratic speaker Nancy Pelosi – without the Trump demanded five billion dollars. The house of representatives and the Senate passed a compromise could then be made to the President for signature. Refuse to Trump the consent, think he is the Black Peter, the faith of the Congress of Democrats.

Although a majority of the President is pushing, according to multiple surveys now, the responsibility for the partial Shutdown, however, carries with it the democratic strategy to significant risks. Trump has a tendency to escalation, on Friday, he had already indicated where the journey might go: “We will be forced to close the southern border, if the cross-mongering Democrats give no money to the wall to complete it,” threatened the President.

Also announced Trump that he was going to turn Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, the money supply, if there is more Kolonnnen of migrants on the US border in riot control – an empty threat, since his own government diverged only recently from the existing budget of 10.6 billion dollars to help the three Central American countries.


Created: 28.12.2018, 20:32 PM