Roger Stone stands in front of the court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, stretches both arms in the air and spread her middle and index fingers in a Victory sign. As he was swept just emerged victorious from a battle home. The battle has begun, if you want to stay in the picture for him.

early Friday morning, before sunrise, was a good dozen FBI investigators with weapons at the ready and bullet-proof vests in the home of a policy Advisor equipped penetrated. You have taken the longtime friend of Donald Trump temporarily fixed and a lot of hard disks, files and other evidence from the house managed. A roster of the shows: Here there is more to it than a non paid Parking ticket.

The court was left Stone later for a Deposit of 250’000 dollars. He had to give up his passport. On the steps of the court reporters were waiting for him. And The Protesters. The protesters shouted: “Lock him up! Lock him up!” The reporters Stone said he will plead not guilty. And in no case he will tell to a Deal with the FBI to negotiate a lie about the man he admired most in the world: U.S. President Donald Trump.

Stone belongs to the inner circle of the trump network. And by the end of today.

Stone is likely to have had time, these rates, because, quite surprised it should be by the morning visit of the FBI had not been. Since months of rumors that the special investigator is going on in the Russia affair, Robert Mueller, also against Stone. Mueller examined whether Trump or whose election campaign has been working with the Russian government to win the election in 2016.

Stone heard, like the person already convicted, the former Trump Confidant Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, the inner circle of the trump network. And by the end of today. With him, Mueller has taken a lot of time.

In the 24-page indictment, accused of Stone of various Offences. Obstruction of justice, false statements before the Congress or Witness tampering. But at its core it’s all about the Stones Trying to get information about the whereabouts of the data that had been stolen in may 2016 from the servers of the democratic party. In the middle of June 2016, the party had declared that the Russian government commissioned hackers had stolen the data.

Unpopular: Roger Stone, was booed in front of the court building. Photo: Keystone

The data were released during the election campaign in a number of packages on the unveiling platform Wikileaks. It was supposedly controversial E-Mails, which should charge the former presidential candidate of the Democrats, Hillary Clinton,. The FBI, under the E-Mails searched, but found nothing that would have brought Clinton into serious conflicts with the law.

Roger Stone knew to be suspicious early on of the Wikileaks publications

The court records suggest that trump’s campaign Team knew even before the publication of the first E-Mail package on Wikileaks, some of the people that Clinton Material in circulation was robust. Between June and July 2016 Stone to Trump is to have employees mentioned that the stolen data was in the possession of Wikileaks. In the election campaign, he had boasted again and again, publicly with his alleged Knowledge that soon for Clinton incriminating data would be published. He has even suggested that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, speaking personally. And later, internally, the Timing of the publications on the flags written. The first Batch was then 22. July on the Wikileaks website.

The indictment says nothing about whether Trump himself has been involved, or whether the Stone in this particular case a criminal offence has made. The paper makes the point, though, that at the highest levels of the Trump campaign was an interest in the stolen data. After the first release on the 22. July, it says so in the document, a high-ranking Trump-employees”, contact Stone for further publications” before and find out “what other incriminating information Organisation 1 in terms of the Clinton campaign”. With “organization 1” is Wikileaks meant.

And Trump? The did what he always does.

The question now is, who gave this statement? Perhaps Trump himself? Both know each other already for a long time. Stone has advised Trump in political issues and was also at the very beginning part of trump’s campaign. Because of content differences, Stone left the Team, however, after a few months. What rattled but, to their friendship. And also not to the Stones ‘ willingness to serve Trump as a consultant.

insider knowledge, or “just right”?

further Details suggest that Stone insider could have had knowledge: There is a mail exchange from 4. October 2016 between him and the former head of Trump’s campaign, Steve Bannon. Therein, Stone explains that the Wikileaks-publications in a weekly cycle. Just a guess, as Stone claims now.

Stone had in the weeks before the election, also on Twitter contact to an Account by the name of “Guccifer 2.0”. Of the is now known that behind the Pseudonym of one or more persons concealed, attributed to the Russian secret service, and probably to do with the theft of the data and forwarding them to Wikileaks.

And Trump? The did what he always does, when, once again comes one of his old faithful because of the Russia-investigation, is in trouble: He tweeted that the Whole thing was the “greatest witch hunt in the history of the country”. There had been “no secret agreements” with the Russians. If that’s true it will probably show the report of Mueller. He is supposed to be in the foreseeable future ready. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 26.01.2019, 19:41 PM