Between folders, books, and pencils, lemon Enzo Magüida in his school backpack is also always a little sodium bicarbonate. For safety, the police storms never know when the next Time the school. If the officials in the battle suits through the corridors of the race and the tear gas in the stairwell pulls, presses Magüida the juice of a lemon on a handkerchief and stir in the bicarbonate of soda in a little water. “The Scratching in the throat, you can’t throw,” he says, “but the tears from the eyes.” This is important, because you can run faster.

It is early for lunch, actually, Enzo Magüida should sit in the school. Instead, he stands, together with a few dozen classmates on the Plaza de Armas. When the Spaniards founded Santiago de Chile, around they planned the city around this square, the Cathedral and the town hall. Religion and politics, the world used to work.

Today, hawkers sell electric cable and fake brand clothing. The facade of the town hall is grey from the Smog. A couple of policemen on guard in front of the entrance, these are turbulent times in Chile. Since mid-October, the country is shaken by a wave of protest. Alone this weekend, it should be have been hundreds of thousands protesting, the majority did this peacefully, but it also comes to violence. More than 20 people have already died, at least five of them by the security forces. This part is brutal against the protesters, with tear gas and rubber bullets, 180 people have lost an eye, there have been reports of sexual violence and torture.

On the other side, but it comes almost every day to riot. Radicals throw stones and incendiary, this weekend has devastated a Church, and the building of a University went up in flames. No one, says the students have been able to guess how large will the everything. It was just ticket prices.

16 years of age and Enzo Magüida old, round glasses and a school uniform. In the thin tie, a badge, two interlocking letters I and N clamps, for “Instituto Nacional”. The school is one of the most prestigious educational institutions. For more than 200 years, are taught in their gifted boys, and if Magüida has his degree, his Name on a list with more than a dozen Chilean President. The Instituto Nacional is also public, a rarity among Chile’s Elite – and not even the dictatorship could change that.

The ultra-liberal dictatorship

for 17 years, General Augusto Pinochet ruled with an iron Hand. He let opponents of the regime of torture and murder, and he installed a model a ultra-liberal economy. Health, retirement, the state’s entire existence was given care in the hands of private companies. Also education and upbringing of the dictator and his in the USA, a trained consultant is not stopped. The schools should not only follow the curriculum, but also the rules of the market. So it has remained until today.

It is not so long ago, since Chile’s youth was regarded as apathetic, politically disinterested. Also, perhaps, a legacy of the dictatorship. In the nineties, only one out of four young Voters had registered as voters. Nobody was interested, therefore, in earnest of this, as of the turn of the Millennium to students for the first time against school fees, and for more say demonstrated. In 2006, these protests, school strikes, occupations and riots resulted. The public and politicians were surprised by what came up there. The government sent the police to the Demos zuknüppeln low, then you promised reforms, which came but never. A process that has been constantly repeated.

“could know at that Time still no one, how big would be the it all.”Enzo Magüida, student

If he wants to shower after the Sport, he has to do the with cold water, says Enzo Magüida. “The potties are broken, and constantly the lessons from falls.” Since the beginning of the year, you would have complained again and again. “Without Success. It was as if you are talking to a mute with a deaf. No Reaction.” So they occupied the school. The police acknowledged they, with helmets, shields and melee gear. From then on, the Situation, the offices went up in flames, more and more often the police came escalated. They threw tear gas grenades in the corridors, and servants rooms, arrested the students in the class.

Enzo Magüida gets his phone out and scrolling through his video files. The End Of The Race Police. Screaming Students. White tear gas clouds that waft through the stairwell. Every week it was gone so, he says, and that his mother was, of course, been worried. For a time she turned round with the other parent in front of the school, to warn her son via cell phone, when the police arrive. A couple of times would you have spoken also about to enter the school. “But I don’t want to. I like my teacher, and here are my friends,” says Magüida.

On his mobile phone, he has installed Instagram, he scrolls through the pictures and Videos, then it shows a contribution from the beginning of October. A shaky cell phone video flickers across the screen. You can see students of the Instituto Nacional, the race is a road down, hooting and laughing, then you run into a subway Station and jumping over the turnstiles. “Somewhere in there, I am,” says Magüida. “Yes, at the time nobody could have imagined how big would be the it all.”

It began in the U-Bahn

at the beginning of October have raised the prices for the Metro of Santiago. 30 Peso more, should the cost of Tickets, the equivalent of a few cents, and students should continue to pay the old price. Enzo Magüida got annoyed anyway, just like many of his classmates. “There are also families that can afford barely the Tickets.”

With the U-Bahn Station just around the corner you began. Out of the race, pure race, through the race, great Fun, they made it the next day again. It went on like that, always you are invited to a Video of the action and into the net. You can see how it is each Time more students, and soon one sees the first COP. You race behind the young people here, pull in the grip of the cars, throw them to the ground.

As the bus stop in their school was locked, just continue to the next run, says Magüida. Eventually the was closed, shortly afterwards, for the first time, the Instituto Nacional. Enzo Magüida sass about home, as the protests broke loose. From the TV, he pursued, as more and more schools joined the collective black drive. And also commuters, and employees began to jump over the turnstiles. “Normal people,” says Magüida. Who would have thought?

Together, they will make later noise on pots and pans to beat.

the policy was surprised. Chile’s economy Minister said he could not understand all the fuss about the fare increase. Early in the morning, the Metro Tickets are cheaper, who wants to conveniently drive, should just get up earlier. But since it was not only expensive tickets. As in the early afternoon of the 18th century. October, the complete traffic of the Metro was shut down, flocked commuters in search of buses and Taxis on the road. There they mingled with protesters, shortly after they met on the police.

And so it was, as always, the Surprise and the look Away, followed at the end of rioting and violence, but this Time bigger than ever before. Metro stations went up in flames, supermarkets were looted, neighborhoods were engulfed in the Chaos. “I knew that people were unhappy,” says Magüida, “but I had no idea how angry you are.”

even now, President Piñera had to row back. He has promised because of the protests on social measures, the minimum wage should be raised, and even the fare increase has now been withdrawn. The only Problem is that it goes to the people long ago to something else. You have to fight for a new Constitution for a fairer System, for a state that takes care of its citizens.

Enzo Magüida to go again. Even today, there is a great Demo, the city is already pipes full of people with flags, drums and whistles. Together, they will make later noise on pots and pans beat, and “Chile despertó” sing, Chile woke up. For So long, until you can breathe in front of a loud cough more because of the tear gas clouds again in the air.

Created: 11.11.2019, 20:42 PM