Test it yourself: The two spots on the picture have both the same color and brightness – in fact they are quite similar.

What you see in the picture is a classic optical illusion. Here seems the dots different, depending on the background they are placed on.

New research from India may be able to give an explanation on which part of the brain is to blame in that we interpret the prikkernes brightness differently.

The typing of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in a press release, according to the Science.dk, where you can also see another optical illusion.

– the Results helps us to answer the question of what the underlying mechanism behind this very fundamental process, the evaluation of the brightness is, say hovedforskeren behind the studio, Pawan Sinha, a professor of neuroscience from MY University, according to MIT, writes Science.dk.

The new research suggests that the illusion arises in the retina, and not in synscentret in the brain, where we experience and interpret on other things we see.

the Study suggests, in other words, our assessment of the lighting conditions is an innate mechanism, that is, before the information that the eyes see is processed in the brain.

In the trial was 9 blind children between 8-17 years who had been operated on from cataract, tested with light illusions.

– the Hypothesis was that if the ability to estimate the lighting conditions really is an innate mechanism, so should the blind child whose sight was restored, fall for the illusion, explains Pawan Sinha of MIT, according to Science.dk.

the Results showed that all children experienced the difference on lysstyrkerne, in the tests that were made, between just 24-48 hours after their bandages were removed.

Since the children did not have any previous experience with to see go the result against previous assumptions, that it is a complicated process in the brain synscenter, who stands behind the interpretation of light, shapes and shadows in the environment.

These results contribute to the mission of understanding how our nervous system solves the complex challenge it is to perceive and understand the world around us, says Sinha of MIT, according to Science.dk.

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Optical illusions provide important knowledge about how we perceive the world