In a new big information about have the fraud squad raised the charge of money laundering of 361 million kronor. It has come forward in a court hearing Thursday in Copenhagen’s city Court.
A 47-year-old man is to be charged over the three laps in relation to three different companies that have received large amount of money, which he must have forwarded the money to a number of companies abroad.
But he knew that there was money from crime, claims police.
Two prosecutors will require both the 47-year-old and a 62-year-old director remanded in custody. The latter are accused of money laundering 80 million dollars. Both were among the six arrested during a police operation on Wednesday.
the Money was converted and then transferred in euro to the foreign companies, according to the charges, which accuse Nathalie Elias from the public Prosecutor for Special Economic and International Crime (SØIK) read up. Also specialanklager Alexander Dzogov has presented himself in the court.
Transactions must be done through betalingsplatformen Inpay.
In an email to Ritzau discloses the director of the Inpay Jacob Thomsen, the company has worked closely with the fraud squad in connection with the investigation of the case.
How men make themselves the charges, is not clarified. They are represented by lawyers, Anders Boelskifte and Henrik Stagetorn.
the Judge has requested navneforbud for both men.
The companies, which the 47-year-old must have committed the crime in, have addresses, among others, Odense, Hillerød, Copenhagen K. A company located at Strandvejen in Hellerup.
In one of the companies is the 62-year-old director.
According to the charges, is a crime committed in association with several non-identified medgerningsmænd. The transactions with the 361 million to be made from the 28. January of last year and up to 1. april of this year.
In connection with Wednesday’s action informed the fraud squad (SØIK), that case concerned the evasion of tax and vat, as well as on anti money laundering for 220 million crowns.
Vicepolitiinspektør Christian Jakobsen want Thursday not to comment further on whether there has been the seizure of assets.
– It is something we pursue both at home and abroad. We are looking at a wide range of values. It can be, for example, properties, cash, jewelry and designer furniture, says vicepolitiinspektøren.
the Reasons for the requirement of pre-trial detention is not on the table at the hearing on Thursday morning. The judge is expected to decide after the presentation of the material and questioning later Thursday.