the ROME – An impressive growth. Also confirmed by the data. The ice poles are melting at a speed six times greater than that of the Nineties, reveals a study from the british university of Leeds which examined and up to date with all the most recent research in the field. The average loss of annual ice in Greenland and Antarctica in the first decade of this century has been of 475 billion tons, six times the $ 81 billion tons per year in the Nineties of the last century. From 1992 to 2017, the two territories have lost a total of 6.400 billion tons of ice, 60% in Greenland.
The climate, the melting of the polar ice cap travels fast: six times more of the 90’s
Pentagon meldt honderden nieuwe ufo-waarnemingen
Het Pentagon heeft in een jaar tijd honderden meldingen ontvangen van nieuwe ufo-waarnemingen. Onder die waarnemingen is "een aantal bijzonder interessante gevallen", zoals een...