Do children make so many. At least six. For the good of the country. the Nicolás Maduro celebrates the “week of women”, in view of 8 march, with a pressing invitation to all the potential mothers so that procreino. Visiting a maternity ward in a hospital of Caracas, microphone in hand that connected to an event tv that promoted the revival of the national healthcare plan, the president of Venezuela approached a woman who had recently given birth and asked her: “how Many children to have, lady?”. The mother-to-be, the voice tired and perhaps excited, he responded, “Six, five females and a male.” Maduro has tightened the shoulder, and turning to the other women in the ward shouted: “God bless you for having given life to six children. Six children! Behold, all must do the same. All women having six children! For the good of the country”.

The exhortation is in contrast with the drama that lives in Venezuela, also with regard to the child. Between 2013 and 2018, according to Unicef, 13 percent of children suffered from malnutrition. There are Countries, especially in the interior regions, those most affected by the dramatic shortage of food and medicine, where the schools are deserted. Boys and girls of primary and middle remain at home because they do not have to eat, and often faint from hunger during the lessons. You may not bring anything from home and the schools are not able to offer the service of the canteen.

supporters of Juan Guaidó have replicated stizziti on Twitter. Manuela Bilivar, a deputy of the national Assembly, controlled by the opposition wrote: “The hospitals do not work, that vaccines are scarce, women may not breastfeed because it’s malnourished and may not have recourse to the aid of the state because it is inaccessible”.

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