“Sardines have been decisive for the victory in Emilia Romagna”. Recognizes Nicola Zingaretti in his opening speech to the direction of the national Pd called to speak about the situation of the national government, threatened by the no of Italy Alive to the mediation found from Pd, M5S, and Leu on the prescription, and the congress rifondativo of the Pd. But on the plate of the national leader there are also regional may, after the victory of Stefano Bonaccini on the 26th of January. “In Emilia Romagna, we have won. A time would not have been news, but today it is. This victory is the result of the work of Bonaccini, but next to Stephen are enabled so many mayors. Also it exploded the movement of the Sardines. These guys have been invaluable in helping us to raise our historical flags”.
Words that tend a hand to the movement of fish, of which the ministers are to work with those of Palazzo Chigi to arrange a meeting with Joseph, Count on the new agenda of the government, which, according to the Sardines must have at the center: the south, dignity, democracy and security. The movement has repeatedly expressed appreciation for the opening of Zingaretti, who has always respected their autonomy. The secretary reiterated today: “With the sardines, there is the beginning of a dialogue that should not be forced or run. The autonomy and independence of that movement is strong and is not to be lived out as an alternative program but as an alternative world”.
The leader Pd attacks repeatedly the party of Matteo Renzi – “there is no room for a third pole” – and back to stretch the hand to the 5 Star Movement in view of the round of regional is expected in the spring: “it’s a vote with a national significance. In some regions, the relationship that we create can be determinanteSi ovrà try to build local projects, programs, clear. I would say: ‘let it not even be the only Pd to fight the right and the left’, pretending not to see the significance not only local that will have the clash of the six regions”.
In the meantime, Zingaretti launches a congress of ideas for the Pd, with 10 thousand assemblies in each Municipality, starting from Florence. The leader announces well as the intention to create a new “voice unit” and a woman president for the Pd (the role for which it was circulated, the name of Elly Schlein, which, however, is the parade). In the room, even the governor Stefano Bonaccini, in large the rise on a national level after his victory over Matteo Salvini in Emilia Romagna, and according to some possible competitors of the same Zingaretti.Bonaccini, which in these days has repeatedly declared to be willing to give a hand to the Pd national, said he very much appreciate the proposal of Zingaretti to open and re-establish the Pd, but warned also about the risk of crossing the dates of the congress with the regional 6 Regions foreseen in may, involving 20 million voters, with many areas engaged in the electoral campaign. A risk highlighted in recent days by mep Elisabetta Gualmini, worried about a “count” before the vote. The mayor Virginio Merola, has instead reaffirmed the crucial role of the Bologna in the victory of Bonaccini in the Emilia-Romagna region. A victory, that of the governor, reached by a broad coalition that has put together all the center-left, from the list, the Courageous ex-dem Pierluigi Bersani, and Vasco Errani, led in the region by Elly Schlein, up to check out of Italy Alive, as they did in the civil list of the President. Outside of the covenant, instead, in the Emilia Romagna 5 Star Movement, which has decided to go it alone despite the fact that many voters pentastellati have in the end opted independently to the separated vote, to help, however, the governor’s outgoing to prevail on the right.
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