the LONDON – The Uk wants a deal with Brussels to the after Brexit founded on “free trade”, which “does not require any alignment to the rules and standards,” Eu “on the policy of competition, subsidies, social protection, the environment or anything like that.” The said Boris Johnson illustrating tone net and its platform, negotiating, closing, in theory, within 11 months, in view of an agreement on the future relations post-Brexit. In response to the chief negotiator of the Eu, Michel Barnier , the premier Tory has ensured that these matters, at the risk of unfair competition for the 27, London will have high standards, but without accepting them “in a treaty”: “I don’t see the need to bring an agreement with the Eu”.
Brexit, Johnson hard: the United Kingdom will be the Superman of the free trade. Nothing the Eu rules
Hoe methaanlekkages voorkomen en uitstoot verminderen in Nederland
Nederlanders spelen een grote rol bij het opsporen van methaanlekken. Methaan is een belangrijk broeikasgas dat de aarde opwarmt. Het komt van nature voor,...