IT LIFTS the veil of mystery virus reported in China, which causes a disease similar to pneumonia. It is a coronavirus which may cause respiratory symptoms also severe. It’s called 2019-n-CoV and is similar to that of the Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) which between 2002 and 2003 caused 775 deaths, and that of Mers (respiratory syndrome middle east) that between 2012 to 2019 resulted in 858 deaths.

The coronaviruses are named for their shape “crown” and affect people and animals. The chinese experts in the case of the 2019-n-CoV did know that it is not possible to exclude the contagion from man to man. In fact, in the city of Wuhan, where it was identified in the outbreak, there have been infections within the same family, but all of them had attended the fish market. When it was found The virus was identified for the first time on persons who had attended the market in Wuhan, where in addition to fish, there are other live animals. The first patient was reported to the world health Organization and the January 9, chinese experts have published a part of the genomic sequence.
symptoms The symptoms of what is defined as “an epidemic of pneumonia,” are fever, dry cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing.
quiet location in the Eu The european Centre for disease prevention and control of diseases (Eu) has made it known that “the likelihood of virus introduction in the Eu is considered low”.
And also in Italy, the ministry of Health has assured the possibility of contagion.
Controls Fiumicino, Italy, Fiumicino airport, it has three direct flights with Wuhan and numerous non-direct flights. For this reason, as expected by the international health regulations in the face of situations of this type, the closest airport to roman is taken on the alert. It is in effect a procedure to verify the possible presence of suspected cases on board of the aircraft from Wuhan. Also in Rome, as is already the case from Saturday to the United States, passengers will be subjected to health checks. If you were to identify a patient at risk of infection, will be immediately transferred to the national Institute for infectious diseases Spallanzani of Rome to “Postpone travel to China” is The key word, however, to be cautious, especially if you have to make a trip to China. A series of instructions that appear on the posters for the information of the ministry, and which have been posted to the airport of Fiumicino and published on the website of the dicastery. And the ministry still recommends that you “evaluate the opportunity to postpone unnecessary travel”. If you go to Wuhan For those who have however to leave for Wuhan, the recommendation is to get vaccinated against the seasonal flu at least two weeks prior to travel. It is good to avoid alarmism, because the probability of the introduction of the new coronavirus in the European Union, says the ministry of Health on its website, “is considered to be low, although it cannot be excluded”. What to do in China Among the recommendations for those needing to leave for China or already be there, is to avoid visiting markets for fresh food of animal origin and live animals. The experts of the ministry of Health recommend not to go to places that are very crowded and not to be close to respiratory symptoms. The other board common sense is to wash your hands. It is also advised not to travel if you are sick. For any need, who is in China, you must contact the Italian embassy or consulate.

attention to the return to Italy. The ministry invites the greatest attention in the return in Italy: “if in the two weeks after your return, you should present respiratory symptoms (fever, dry cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing) as a precaution, contact your doctor, referring to your recent trip”. There is no specific treatment for the disease caused by a new coronavirus. Care, clarifies the ministry, should be based on the patient’s symptoms and supportive therapy can be very effective.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on The sardines go in Bibbiano, all the while speaking Salvini. On Saturday, the dip in the sea, Papeete the full and The empty of the left Sarditudine, the sound is promising of a word If the logistics was logic Salvini: “The referendum is the”Emilia and I will win”. The former minister pretends to rejoice

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