MENOPAUSE is a phase of life difficult for all women, or nearly all. Because of the hot flashes, insomnia, mood swinging, very few were saved really of the whole. Postpone this stage of life, that puts a stop final ovulation and the possibility of procreating, it would not hurt. For no. But you can do it? A recent study, a suggestion in this sense, the me and, for once, even pleasant, to be honest, because the research, we found that make the most sex in the period before the menopause , the posticiperebbe. According to the results, women with a sexual activity weekly would, in fact, a probability of 28% lower enter menopause before they have sex once a month or less.
The research-The survey (the title, Sexual frequency is associated with age of natural menopause: results from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation) was published in the Journal of the Royal Society Open Science and is signed needless to say by two women, Megan Arnot and Ruth Mace, the first forces in the department of Anthropology, University College London, the second at the faculty of life Sciences of Lanzhou University, in the chinese province of Gansu.

The two researchers have analyzed in detail the data relating to 2936 american women participating in the SWAN Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation an epidemiological study longitudinal sponsored by the NIH, the National institute of Health in the usa, which since the ’90s, collects data from physical, biological (the age of the first menstruation, for example) psychological and behavioral (the sexual activity level, among others) of the pregnancies, marital status (being in a couple, or be single) of thousands women in the US over the course of decades until the middle age, and old age.
The hypothesis What is the hypothesis of two researchers? According to their analysis, the frequency with which you have sex on the first entry in the age infertile seems in some way in connection with the timing of menopause. The authors observe that the age of menopause varies at the level of transcultural, that is, between the different cultures, and that some of the analysis – recall in the text of the publication – even would also suggest a tendency of single women to enter menopause a little before those in pair. In this context, the sexual behavior may have a role important. “If you have relationships infrequent or rare when you’re approaching the menopause – reflect the authors – the body does not receive the signals of a possible pregnancy, and then it will stop investing energy in ovulation so that that energy can be directed elsewhere, for example to help in the care of their children or grandchildren”.

It would be a hypothesis of adaptive, as they say biologists, and evolutionary psychologists. Now, although the question is frankly more complex, so we simplify by saying that it is as if the body of the women when he stops having sex with regularity, and that is, to take into account pregnancies, she had learned to react by stopping a little bit before you ovulate. Thus saving energy for something more useful.
precise age for the menopause is not there, because every woman is a little story in itself, however, we can say that in general the natural menopause, physiological, occurs between 45 and 55 years. In some women, often for genetic predisposition, it can arrive late (late menopause: between 55 and 60) or early (premature menopause under 40). Among the factors which can anticipate the menopause experts listed in addition to the familiar alcohol consumption, smoking, malnutrition. And now even a reduced sexual activity. A synthesis, perhaps dismissive but effective? Do not smoke, drink little, eat well. And keep yourself sexually active. For the grandchildren, in the end, there is time.

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