WOMEN who work in the health sector from North and South, from the Piedmont to the district of Nairobi, Kenya. They are the voices of Mary, the first nurse lay at the Molinette hospital of Turin, which comes from the small village of Poirino, and that of Florence, head nurse ferrista at the Neema hospital, center of maternal-child of the North-East of the kenyan capital. It is about the goals of the Agenda for 2030 in the Health-related (SDG3) and gender Equality (SDG5) that focuses on the project of stories, comparisons and intersections of the ngo World Friends and CrescereInsieme. The version of Maria Maria tells the story of the diversity and difficulties in an Italy of the years of the economic boom: discrimination as compared to male siblings also in the choice and possibility to study. There was the grandfather who said, more than sixty years ago in the piedmont countryside, “women are not people” and donated the money prizes only to the boys. And when you willfully and Mary became a nurse, although he would have wanted to study medicine, had to overcome the pitfalls of hegemony of the sisters in the public hospital. It was in 1968, and had never seen a head nurse lay to the Molinette. She was the first. Gender equality, Mary and Florence: a nurse between Italy and Africa
“Marginalized as a southern,” Recalls the years of work in the hospital and many of the southern or even the veneti are considered foreigners in Turin and carriers of diseases. Mary says: “how Many lung tumors, how many workers come from the South, heavy smokers, victims of the poisons of the factories and of tuberculosis”. Certainly, the phthisis, the disease is forgotten in the North of the globe, but still present, even in Italy, 5 thousand cases a year, half Italian, half immigrants. “Poor people were judged and immediately condemned, like today, I do with the non eu”. History repeats itself and teaches us nothing. Mary adds her version and declination of the equality for women: “it is not enough to see the other, you need to look at it”. Is that “female equals” (www.ilfemminilediuguale.it) that is the title of this project on the sustainable development Goals to 2030 of the Un, here the 5 (gender Equality) and 3 (Health), which compares the stories of piedmont, of the Italian and immigrant, with the lives of the women of the region of Nairobi. A project supported by the COP, Consortium Ong Piedmont, with european funds, in the framework of the initiative called the Frame,the Voice, the Report!.
The version of Florence Mary is the counterpoint to Florence, the nurse-in-chief-ferrista of the operating room of the Neema hospital in Nairobi, the centre of the maternal infant, small jewel of the solidarity of the Italian ngo Worldfriends. “I studied, but for many women here it is not so, also for the effect of tradition and culture. Remain without education, ” explains Florence – The woman, according to some, should become a mother, clean, cook, get married. I am married, I have had two children, but then eight years ago is over with my husband. I love my work, I love to talk with people, talk a lot with patients, is important. I’m happy as well”. For Florence, the equality is attained through the conquest of a job like this, it satisfies and makes you independent. Very few women in leadership positions,
In the world for 70% of employment in the health sector is female, but only 25% have positions of leader and if we go to the Academy, only 12% (data from the Who, 2019). The most recent Report of the Un/Unicef/Who reports that from 2000 to today, infant deaths have decreased by half and the maternal ones by more than a third. About 2.8 million pregnant women and infants die each year, mostly from causes that can be prevented. Giving birth in Africa
The levels of deaths and maternal are almost 50 times higher for women in sub-saharan Africa and their children are 10 times more likely to die in their first month of life, compared to high-income countries. Women in sub-saharan Africa are at risk of death during pregnancy or childbirth in a ratio of 1 to 37. In Europe it is 1 in 6500. Italy has reduced the child mortality rate between 1990 and 2018, from 10 to 3 per thousand births; in Kenya in 2017 was 41 per thousand births. In Italy life expectancy is 80 for males and 85 years for females in Kenya is 64, and 69, respectively. The expenditure on health per capita in Italy is 3.239 Us dollars, in Kenya, of us $ 169 (data from Who). In 2018, 121 countries had already reached the Target set for the mortality rate under five years. Among the remaining 74, 53 countries will need to accelerate progress to reach the goal on child survival by 2030. In Europe, according to the Report 2019 of ASVI Alliance Italian for sustainable development between 2010 and 2017, there are improvements in the Objective 3: increase the life expectancy in all Eu member States and significantly decrease the mortality rate from tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV (-28% compared to 2010) and the share of the population with needs unmet-medical care. In Italy (Istat data) in 2017, the incidence of new HIV infections has dropped to 5.7 new cases per 100,000 residents, compared to 7 cases in 2012, but remained stable from 2015. In 2017, returning to increase in Italy the number of deaths in road accident. In 2017, about one-sixth of the persons of 15 years and more has taken on risk behaviour in alcohol consumption. Gender equality
A survey published in the British Medical Journal, conducted in 162 Countries between 2004 and 2010, should make us reflect: where women have more rights than the general population is healthier, and the fastest growing economy. More rights to women are higher than average indicators of health, even if the hospital beds are in short supply and the number of doctors is not adequate to the needs. But this is not respect and promote civil rights in general: in Countries that guarantee the respect of civil rights, economic and social, but there is no support in the gender equality, the health of the entire population is not better. It is precisely the specificity of the genre makes the difference. The rich and the poor
it is only the theme of inequality and disparities in access to health. Experts agree to note that children born in poverty are almost twice as likely to die before they reach their fifth year of age compared to children born in wealthy families. Not only that, the children of educated mothers – even if only the primary school – are more likely to survive than children of mothers without education. Also the last Report the Who Europe reports that the gap in health between the rich and the poor remains, or is reduced only slightly from the expected. And it is not the increase in per capita income to make a difference or impact on inequalities. Of the 8 parameters identified in the maximum effect is acting on the policies of labour and the conditions of life and housing.

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