The influenza a virus of species B, was identified yesterday by professor Flora De Conto and colleague Maria Cristina Arcangeletti, and their collaborators in the laboratories of molecular Virology and Virology isolation of viral agents of the complex operating unit of Virology of the Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria di Parma, directed by professor Adriana Calderaro, director of the School of specialization in Microbiology and virology and related to department of Medicine and surgery, university of Parma.

The use of molecular technologies advanced, in combination with cultivation methods for conventional, allowed for a rapid diagnosis of infection by influenza a virus B from a swab throat of a girl of 6 years, hospitalized in the department of Pediatrics general and emergency.

The girl – specifies a note of the university of parmesan cheese – was admitted with fever and sore throat refers to a general affection of the respiratory system for which it was formulated a clinical suspicion of influenza.

The result is also relevant from the epidemiological point of view, as it shows that the circulation of influenza viruses is not strictly limited to the winter season and reaffirms the need for implementation specialists as well as regular controls of and apply diagnostic methods, sophisticated, and able to allow the detection at an early stage, and accurate.

The virus is influenza B, as well as the influenza a virus species, cause infection and disease in humans with circulation and outbreaks are recurrent and generally placed in the winter season in temperate Countries.

The high variability of influenza viruses, with the possibility of reassortment of gene favored by their segmented genome makes necessary a high degree of attention on the part of scientists specialized in research on these agents and medical staff that cares for their monitoring and diagnosis, for the possible emergence of viral strains with new antigenic features, able to sustain outbreaks of largest size, and also real pandemics.

Only Monday, the same team of virologists specialists has made the early diagnosis of a case of Dengue fever in another patient of the pediatric Italian returning from a trip in south-east asia.

These results are of great utility for patients, ” concludes the university – are also possible thanks to the support of continued research activity on the same viruses (Arboviruses and Influenza a virus) in the centre, which has an scientific activity documented by publications in prestigious scientific journals. © Reproduction reserved