Do NOT SMOKE, maintain proper weight and exercise regularly to 50 years increases the life expectancy and keeps away diseases for ten years in women and 7.6 for men. In short, those who follow a healthy lifestyle even in middle age lives better and without the weight of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. To say it is a study appearing today in the British Medical Journal. Healthy lifestyles for a longer life in good health all over the world people are living longer, but aging brings with it often disabilities and chronic diseases just as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Life styles such as smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, weight, and power affect both life expectancy and on the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, but few studies had looked at how a set of factors related to life style could be linked to a lengthening of the life of people free from diseases. The search To understand this, the researchers analyzed data 73mila nurses and 78 thousands health care workers americans who suffered from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer at the time of enrollment. To evaluate how healthy was the style of life led by the participants in the study, the researchers took into account five elements: smoking, weight, physical activity (at least 30 minutes per day), alcohol and power. Each of these healthy habits is assigned a value that is the sum total of which resulted in a final score of low-risk which ranged from 0 to 5 (the highest value applies to a healthier life-style). Ten years more for women, seven for men, The participants were followed regularly for more than twenty years, also registering new diagnoses and deaths from cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Taking into account the age, ethnicity, medical history, family and other possible factors that could have an influence, the researchers saw that in fifty years, life expectancy without chronic diseases was 24 years for women who had not adopted, none of the five healthy lifestyles taken into consideration, and ten years older (34 years) for those who took all or even only four. In the same way, for men, life expectancy without diseases was 24 years for those who did not follow healthy lifestyles compared to the 31 years of the ‘health-conscious’. Then, thanks to the adoption of healthy life styles, the women are able to earn up to 10.6 years of life without getting sick, and men and 7.6. But not only that: men who smoked a lot (15 cigarettes or more) or men and obese women (body mass index greater than 30) to fifty years had a probability lower than 75% of not developing diseases. Diet and exercise as drugs the protective function of The styles of life is now recognized and demonstrated by many scientific research: “This study is a further confirmation of how important it is to follow healthy lifestyles to all ages. We know that only four risk factors such as cigarette smoke, excess alcohol, inadequate physical activity and excessive power are the source of 96% of chronic diseases in the western world,” says Walter Ricciardi , professor of general Hygiene and applied at the Catholic university of Rome and President-elect of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. “Proper nutrition and physical activity are the ‘drugs’ the most important. For this, a diabetic patient before recommending medicines or medical devices you should really prescribe physical activity and healthy nutrition”. The situation in Italy in Short, to live longer is not enough if not then you are in good health. And this is exactly what happens in Italy, where, in spite of the expectation of life at birth has moved from 35 years of 1860 to 85 today, not always for the lengthening of the “quantity of life” corresponds to an improvement of its quality. “According to the latest Istat data, ” explains Ricciardi – Italy is actually one of the longest-lived Countries in Europe, with over two million people who have more than 85 years, but now we are threatened by other countries such as Switzerland and Sweden, which although having a less life expectancy compared to ours have a higher quality of life”. And’ the case of Sweden, where women have a life expectancy of 84 years against 85 of Italian women who, however, spent the last 17 years in poor health, whereas for the swedes the past 16 years of life spend in good condition. “About the prevention policies promoted by the government which encourages citizens to adopt healthy lifestyles, for example by providing good taxi, to invite them to get out of the house despite the cold”. It is never too late To make it even more interesting to these data, there is the fact that they refer to people of fifty years. As if to say that it is never too late to start living in a healthy way. And this is also the thesis which is the basis of the book “70… now what?” Edra (Editions LSWR) written by Muir Gray , the british doctor who works with NHS England (National Health Service) and Public Health England and which for over forty years working in the field of public health with the goal of transforming and improving the healthcare to increase the value. “If it is true that prevention of illness should start as soon as possible, already pregnant, ” explains Ricciardi, who has taken care of the preface in the version of the book in the Italian language, however, we must not forget that it is never too late and even if for years we have neglected our health, we must not be discouraged: we are still in time to change the route as suggested by this book which illustrates, in an accessible way, the epidemiological data, physiological and clinical specific for those who have off or is about to shut down, the 70 candles, but also offers directions that are easy to implement on a daily basis to continue or to begin to choose what makes us feel good”.

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