FROM 2 to 5 pounds. Those are the ones that on average take during the “marathon” food of the feasts of the Christmas season from the Vigil of the Epiphany lead us into temptation which is often hard to resist. And, in fact, a classic of the end of this period and of the new year’s resolutions is to put a diet to lose the pounds accumulated. There are many proposals that come from the web with diets, sometimes very drastic ones that promise to make us lose weight fast. But can we trust? How to choose the right diet, the one that will make you lose weight but also to maintain the results without damaging your health? We asked Laura Rossi , specialist in food science and coordinator general of the new Guidelines for a Healthy Diet drawn up by the Create Food and Nutrition that contain an entire chapter dedicated precisely to the theme of the diets.
Not always needed in a diet
In fact, those who started with a weight in the norm of the holidays does not need to go on a diet now. “If you take 2-3 kilos – explains Rossi – just return to a normal diet. And then we must not worry about the weight that you take in the course of the 15 days of christmas, but rather one that accumulates throughout the year, why don’t you get fat between Christmas and new year’s Eve, but rather between the new year and Christmas, that is, in the space of a whole year”. In fact, even when there is nothing to celebrate, not always life-styles followed are healthy: “Unfortunately, during the daily life – continues Rossi – is likely to exceed the evening during dinner or for snacks during the day, when we are stressed and nervous. Also, we are not doing enough physical activity because you do not have the desire or time, and this causes a slow but progressive increase of weight and the acquisition of bad habits”.

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Attention to the dietary imaginative Who, instead, a few extra pounds I already had, and pointed to the diet after the holidays, now can not do less than come to terms with the balance. Atkins, Dukan, the Palaeolithic, the ketogenic, or blood group: which diet to choose? “The extreme diets, or reckless, or the search for alternatives deceptive towards the weight loss easy and immediate – clear Red – are illusions that distract you from the path to a much healthier, represented by the change of the life style and the adoption of a behavior food more healthy”. In the new Guidelines, the experts of the Create explain that the extreme diets such as that of the blood group, the alkaline diet or the paleolithic are not based on scientific evidence, series: “In general – continues Rossi – we should be wary of all the diets that are based on the strong limitation or exclusion of certain food groups, such as the abolition of the carbohydrates or that otherwise involve eating only fruits and vegetables”. Dukan, Atkins and other diets of exclusion: because they work? Yet, those who follow these diets can lose weight. Then they run? “The calories are all the same – clear Red. Our body is a thermal machine, if cutting calories, eliminating entire food groups as it does in drastic diets, it is natural that you slim. But all of these diets only work in the short term because then you start to eat as before or even more, taking up all the pounds lost”.

always Consult a professional To complicate the scenario, especially at this time of year, there are also some professionals and specialists in nutrition, with the requirements of food patterns imaginative or ‘shortcuts’ unhealthy. “The problem is that these diets are proposed by anyone. Instead – and recommends that the expert – you should always inquire about the qualifications of those who propose the diet and to trust only to a nutritionist or a biologist and nutritionist who has a specific expertise because a poor diet can do damage and can not absolutely be prescribed by beauty therapists, personal trainers or anyone who manages a store of foods for special dietary use”. Therefore, if you have doubts you can also consult the new Guidelines for a Healthy Diet that you can download for free from the site or you can consult the experts of the Create Food and Nutrition via e-mail to the box
Fifteen days of detox with no carbs
But then, how to lose the pounds taken during the holidays? In people without health problems, can be 15 days of detoxification: “Two weeks of eating only meat, fish, salad and a little fruit eliminating bread and pasta – suggests Red – allow to deflate and cleanse losing up to three pounds. But this diet should serve to establish a shema sustainable food in the long run”. In short, we should always be on a diet? “No, ” answers the expert. We can eat everything, but the only way to stay in shape is to cut the portions admitting all foods and increasing physical activity that does not necessarily mean going to the gym but have an active lifestyle”.

READ Some tips after the excesses at the table
A diet plan 1500 calories
And to understand how it is possible to lose weight by eating all the food, without exclusions, in Line with guide no. 9 dedicated precisely to the theme of diets, the experts Create and propose a diet plan 1500 calories. For example, pasta, rice, and other grains you can eat once a day as they are allowed 50 grams of bread, while the sweet baked goods such as croissants, cake or tart, are allowed only once a week in minute amounts as well as the cereals for the breakfast. The meat (both red and white) is allowed only once a week while the fish you can eat two times. As regards fruit and vegetables, the experts of the Create suggest a portion of fresh fruit 150 grams twice a day and 250 grams of fresh vegetables for two and a half times every day. Here in detail the schema to 1500 kilocalories.

menu 1500 kilocalories

Corn and derivatives

Bread (standard portion: 50 g): 2 servings ½ day
Pasta, rice, corn, spelt, barley, etc., (standard portion: 80 g): 1 serving per day
substitute for bread, rusks, crackers, breadsticks, etc., (standard portion): 30 g): 1 portion / week
oven-baked Products: croissants, croissants, croissants, cake, tart, biscuits, etc., (standard portion: 30-50 g): 1/2 portion per week
breakfast Cereals (standard portion): 30 g): 1/2 portion per week

Potatoes (standard portion: 200 g): 1 portion / week

Fruit and vegetables

fresh Fruit (standard portion:150 g): 2 servings per day
fresh Vegetables (standard portion:200 g): 2 servings ½ day
the Salad leaf (standard portion:200 g): 2 servings ½ day

Meat, fish and eggs

red and white Meat (standard portion: 100 g): 1 portion / week
Fish (standard portion: 150 g): 2 servings per week
Eggs (standard portion: 50 g): 2 servings per week


Legumes fresh, frozen, soaked, or canned (standard portion: 150 g): 3 servings per week

Milk and dairy

Milk and yoghurt (standard portion: 125 ml): 2 servings per day

Cheese up to 25% of fat: ricotta, mozzarella, stracchino, provolone, etc., (standard portion: 100 g): 2 servings per week

Cheese with over 25% fat: gorgonzola, caciotta cheese, gruyere, parmesan, goat, sheep, etc., (standard portion: 50 g): 2 servings per week

Oils and fats

olive Oil and vegetable oils (standard portion: 10 ml): 2 servings per day
Butter (standard portion: 10 g): 2 servings per day
Water (standard portion: 200 ml): at least 6 servings per day

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