DECREASE suicides in Italy, but still today there are more than 10 every day: in 1996, you were taken from life 4.689 persons, twenty years later, in 2016, they have done it 3.870. “A number that speaks of a complex phenomenon, the basis of which there is only depression, but a fifty-risk factors”. To explain this, analyzing the data of the Yearbook 2019 Istat, Massimo Cozza, head of the Department of Mental Health Asl Rome 2, the largest Asl in the metro in Europe.

In 2016, the most recent year of the survey, in Italy you have taken the lives of more than 6 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. “The decrease in suicides over the last 20 years – says the psychiatrist – can be connected to an overall improvement of living conditions. While the temporary increase of the trend between 2007 and 2013 may have been linked to the economic crisis”. The most frequent happens for hanging and choking. The number increases with age: it goes from 1.3 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants below the age of 24 in 10 for people over 65. The North-east, you confirm the area with levels of mortality high, at 7.9 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants.

To take his own life are more often men, with a ratio of about 4 to 1 compared to women. “This – says the psychiatrist, the Maximum Mussel – may be the consequence of the role given by society to the male gender, based on the work done and on the economic capacity reached”. The highest rate in the North-East than in the South, however, “may be the result of greater individualism in the face of the most robust network of protection of the family and society typical of the south”. While the increase in mortality with the increase of the age “is explained by the increase of the sense of social isolation and the onset of chronic diseases”.

Often attributed the responsibility of a suicide to depression, “but things are not so, and the phenomenon is more complex”. A recent meta-analysis published in Psychological Bulletin showed that there are 50 risk factors that can have a weight, “including social isolation, dependency, communication difficulties, abuse during childhood, severe chronic illnesses, aggressive tendencies, detention, or events very stressful”. Do something you can. For example, helping the reintegration into the labour market those who have lost and avoiding in the mass media sensationalism, to reduce the phenomena of emulation. From the health point of view, particular attention should be paid to the people with feelings of hopelessness, uncontrolled anger, who feel that they have no way out. To save a life, however, can be anyone, through listening and sharing. “A person who is considering suicide may stop if someone approaches, perhaps the hopes, and has not had the courage to talk about it”. For all these reasons, he concludes Mussel, “it is important to conduct awareness-raising campaigns on the theme towards which there is still a lack of awareness, stigma and prejudice”

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