Josef recovery occurs via 10. December from the cantonal Parliament back. This is an unusual time, since in the evening the fourth place from five to eight budget meetings of the Kantonsrats. The message would still not spectacular, would not you have to think more. Or think back. As with the CVP-politicians, a whole dynasty from the policy adopted. It is not daring to assert that in the last 100 years is always a return from Dietikon mixed in somewhere in politico (read more here about the Wiederkehrs from Dietikon).

Josef recurring self-politicized, since 1999, in the Council of Dietikon, and/or in the cantonal Parliament. Previously his uncle, Peter Wiederkehr was , for 22 years a member of the Parliament and especially the government Council. Not less influence in the Roland Wiederkehr , with Joseph on a couple of corners related to had. Roland, therefore, led for nearly 20 years the WWF Switzerland, founded the VCS and politicized from 1987 to 2003 in the national Council. He was as country Ringler well-being of left return. Because in addition to the two CVPlern Peter and Josef Hans Wiederkehr was the Cousin of Joseph’s Grandfather, 13 years for the SVP in the Canton. For the predecessor party, the SVP, the civil code, pressed Lorenz recovery in the 1950s and ‘ 60s, the hard benches of the Zurich city hall, in the 20s and 30s, it was August return , he for the CVP-offshoot CSP. In addition, there were numerous local politicians and at least one politician, Irene recovery as Dietiker member of the municipal Council.

tip against Council-olive oil and sheep

but Why did Joseph return the policy back? “After 15 years in the cantonal Parliament it is not more is better,” he says, and means it as a jab to the address to Council-olive oil and sheep, such as Gabi Petri , Esther Guyer (both Green), or Ruedi Lais (SP), sitting still for longer than he in the Parliament. “Boys must be the place,” says the 49-Year-old with a twinkle in his eye – his successor Janine Vannaz is a year older. But for a much shorter period in the policy.

The Banker was elected in 2014 as a non-Party in the municipal Council of Aesch and later joined the CVP. During recurrence, personalized the right CVP-wing, is likely to have Left a little more joy to Vannaz. It promotes the group responsibility, initiative and is in accordance with Vimentis profile for a women’s quota in management, transparency in the party financing the state’s 12-billion-programme for the energy transition and against new fighter jets. Foreigners politically, they, in turn, is a Hardliner.

election to the national Council fails

Back to return, Joseph. His dream was of the national Council, but in October it didn’t work out for the fourth Time. “Either something New or stop,” he said. Also he will travel soon with his family to South America. In Dietikon, it means that the Wiederkehrs remain or return. “Certainly not in the cantonal Parliament,” he says. An Executive office, whether it Dietiker councillor or councillor could he imagine more. But now he wants to devote himself for the time being, more of his family, with the four-year-old twins and his construction company with 200 employees, which he leads in the fourth Generation.

What remains of the last return in the Zurich policy? The commercial politician was 13 years in the planning and building Committee. In a reminder about the compromise on the value of compensation remain to him, since the positions of miles far apart the layers, or the police – and justice centre, which was approved twice by the people. Can look forward to, he is also on the smaller successes, which he also co-responsible for. For example, that the training of apprentices is weighted in public Procurement is higher, the notary fees have been reduced and the payment period was shortened if the state buys the trades.

Green Red

torpedoed Less pleased to see the Hans Egli (EDU). His push to banish bottled water in Pet and glass bottles from the cantonal administration and to replace it with tap water, is, of all things opposed by the colleagues in the group of the SVP. Secretly Egli’s happy about it: “So we can differentiate ourselves from the SVP.”

For forehead wrinkles caused when the Jonas Erni (SP) that he co-signed motion for a more streamlined approval of air-to-water heat pumps is calculated to be attacked by the Green. In the Foyer there was a lesson in noise physics environmental engineering Florian Meier (Green). In the case of heat pumps, the noise is often the Problem. In advance was unclear, however, whether the above-mentioned maximum of 45 decibels in the sound pressure, the sound power, or the assessment level of concern. Thus, the klagewütige neighbor has no handle against the pump, need the energy-conscious owners, so still a construction permit. Erni, sitting in the Wädenswiler building Committee, looked at Meier, it skeptical.

Created: 03.12.2019, 05:51 PM