The steel group Schmolz + Bickenbach (S+B) is not bankrupt. A planned capital increase is not achieved, it must S+B in the extreme case, to be deposited on the next Monday, the balance sheet. A long time it looked as if the major shareholder Martin Haefner would be up to 325 million Swiss francs into the company zeroing and, thus, the company could be saved. However, Haefner has also made conditions. He wants to increase the capital to increase its stake in S+B to 37.5 percent. This would normally mean that he would have to make all the other shareholders a takeover offer. Haefner calls for an exception to this mandatory offer. In addition, he wants to limit the influence of the largest shareholder, of Liwet Holding, behind Viktor Vekselberg is. This would be according to own information, 100 million Swiss francs be put in the oven shot.

the management of The company has been behind the Plan Haefners and thus indirectly against Liwet. The Swiss Takeover Board (UEK), however, has rejected Haefners Plan. The reason given was that there are other renovation options that would work, without exceeding the Shareholding threshold for a mandatory offer. In addition, all shareholders should be treated equally. The company has submitted against the decision appeal against the Finma.

Bourgeois parliamentarians are calling for a correction

In the dispute with the UEK, the steel Corporation now has the backing of National and state councillors of the bourgeois parties. Seven members of the two chambers in an open letter to the Federal Council and the Federal financial market Supervisory authority Finma to ensure that the BOARD’s decision is to be revised. Already on Wednesday, the Lucerne’s cantonal government has intervened in the case of the Finma and the Minister for economic Affairs, Guy Parmelin. Also, the industry Association Swissmem had criticized the BOARD decision and supported the renovation plan of the company, and ultimately, Haefner.

To do this, select clear words. The “incomprehensible and, in any industrial logic, except Eight let the end decision” should be corrected, call on the Undersigned. Without the Amendment of this decision was to be expected with a bankruptcy of the company, and the loss of world’s 10’000 jobs, including 800 in Switzerland. Under the Write to Damian Müller (FDP), Andrea Gmür-schönenberger (CVP), Yvette estermann (SVP), Leo Müller (group CVP-EPP-BDP), Ida Glanzmann (CVP), Franz Grüter (SVP) and Albert Vitali (FDP) have signed.

Finma wants to be independent

In the case of the ICE decide on you left and said it was the right of S+B, to take recourse against the decision. Normally, the ICE is greeted with such appeal for their opinion. In the same way as the opposite side, in this case, Liwet. The Finma confirmed that the complaint was received. You would now be examined with due diligence. If it’s enough until the next Monday, leaves Finma spokesman Tobias Lux, however. “It is clear that we would handle the case with great urgency. We can, however, make as usual, no statements about the possible time of our decision. Further, we are not able to speak to us currently to the case.” Usually, it takes at least two weeks before such a decision can be made. Finma wants to leave because, under the pressure put. Lux: “Our role as an appeal body in the event of disputes, the Decisions of the ICE is clear and we will carry out this role independently and with due diligence.” (ar)

Created: 28.11.2019, 14:32 PM