the School – and kindergarten the filming of the peak season is right now.

Every week in different parts of Finland describes the tens of thousands of children.

picture of the prices will rise again up, when Yle reported last week the city of Helsinki organised by the school and the kindergarten filming of the competition from.

the Gigantic competition went seriously awry. As a result, the image of the price varies now very much in different parts of Helsinki.

the News after the delivery came a lot of feedback, which the parents wondered why the picture of the prices vary drastically elsewhere than in Helsinki.

Yle explained why the school photo prices vary so much in different schools and locations.

These extreme examples are even more than ten euros per child. These are quite exceptional cases.

Managing director Petri Karjalainen.

Why is the school photo prices vary?

in most parts of the county to schools or parents ‘ associations fit the descriptions directly in the photography business with the entrepreneur.

the entrepreneur can price the product as it wants to.

the entrepreneur provides to the price in addition to image affect the price very much also the so-called arrangement fee.

It is the graph the payment of the fact that he can describe the child to the school premises.

– in General, the arrangement fee is € 1-3 per image to be, told Finland’s largest photographic company ceo Petri Karjalainen .

at times, the arrangement fee can be very much more.

Some schools or parents ‘ associations, they like to collect money for school activities arrangement fees in the form of. These extreme examples are even more than ten euros per child. These are quite exceptional cases, Karjalainen said.

the arrangement fee is put into every shot of the prices.

in Practice, it is added to the class photo and portrait prices, because their products are purchased the most.

Managing director Petri Karjalainen said that the arrangement of the premium amount varies from different schools. / YLEJärjestelypalkkiot are often thousands of euros

Schools or parental associations levied by the arrangement fees vary according to what the graph agreed with.

the Fees are often thousands of euros.

If the school has 500 children and the arrangement fee is 2 euros for children, the school will receive eur 1 000 compensation for the shoot.

If the arrangement fee is 10 euros, the school of the remuneration is € 5 000.

in Some cases, a photography business businesses have been at least in previous years to provide a school for the filming bundled with, for example, cameras.

in Other cases, the schools ‘parents’ association the parents have been given free for their children’s school pictures.

in Some municipalities the schools are prohibited from asking the arrangement fees for the photographic entrepreneur from.

This has been done for example in Helsinki.

helsinki families do not pay for images in the price arrangement fees, but the price differences are due to different reasons.

Read this case of the Helsinki school and kindergarten pictures of the competition from.

“it would be good that the arrangement fee would be displayed on the invoice”

the image network managing director Petri Karjalainen said that the arrangement of premium payment is the most common.

in Practice, many of the family doesn’t know to pay arrangement fees to the school or parents ‘ association, because they do not have any mention of the image of the invoice.

Photography business entrepreneur should be in favour of openness.

– it would be good that the arrangement fee would be reflected on the invoice. Now it is hidden pictures, prices, the ceo of Karelian said.

the image network is proposed sometimes the school principal, that the payment would be displayed on invoices when the image status, the families would get to know the fee and its magnitude.

This idea is not enthusiastic principals.

– in a few cases has this been presented, but schools do not like the idea.

Sometimes, money talks completely what photography try to get to the school.

– the majority of schools will select the photographer, who has taken wonderful pictures or for whom the service has worked well. But in some cases, nothing else matters than how large the compensation of the descriptions comes, Karjalainen said.

board of education does not monitor how the guidelines are followed

the board of education was missing school shooting in 2011.

the board of education of the then director-general, signed by the instructions to schools were advised precisely how school descriptions should be arranged.

according to the Guidelines of the school may charge the photographic entrepreneur from reasonable to rent school facilities on the use of.

the Instructions also pointed out that the photo of the agreement be included in the personal benefits of giving school staff, students or their guardians.

the general Director Olli-Pekka Heinonen said that schools will receive next year at the beginning of the updated guidelines of the school shooting.Vesa Stopper / Yle

Yle asked the current board of education president Olli-Pekka Heinoselta , how well the schools comply with the description provided instructions.

We haven’t done a separate report on how the recommendations have been complied with. Lawyer side experts ‘ assessment is that the recommendations quite widely respected, especially those of the ribs of related, Heinonen said.

Heinonen surprised when Yle telling her how schools and parents ‘ associations requested the arrangement fees for the photography business entrepreneurs.

– Oh this is? Well all the more reason we have to update the recommendations at a fast pace, Heinonen said.

the executive Director says the school can not collect such a arrangement fees, which are calculated according to how many students are in school.

– arrangement fees should be based on actual costs, which the school was born. The reward can be a reasonable rent to the school premises. But the premium cannot be based on, for example, the computational picture of the number of pupils no.

the board of education plans to upgrade the beginning of next year guidance.

after school activities will also be monitored.

– This (guidance update) after we make sure that these instructions are followed, Heinonen permission.

see also:

Yle reveal: School – and kindergarten pictures of the competition went seriously awry in Helsinki – image in the wild price differences, the wealthy pay in many places in the least

Six questions to the competition and consumer agency, Helsinki school images tender on: “This is a good lesson also to the other”

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