the pension must have left the ceo Risto Burglary believes that Finland could afford to revive in the short term. But when public investment was not started already years ago, practically the chances are nil.

– Ideally in Social media was ten years ago left to build road and rail projects, which can be now minus sign because the interest rate on the financing, Breakthrough said Friday morning sure of the results announcement in Helsinki.

the Recovery means in practice, public investment additions or tax cuts.

Now we do not have the ability to investment. For example rail design of the zoning should have started a long time ago.

in Front of the age group issue

Burglary view, aging is Finland’s economy to greater risks.

Now the birth of the age difference between my age group, my front is higher proportionally than my age my difference after the war was born, the Fraction comparison.

After reasonable investment opportunities either in Finland, the recovery backup is smaller than the economic figures would give up.

So Finland is dependent on a european recovery.

– If it actually comes to the recession, so you should be prepared for the fact that the european common fiscal policy is implemented, the Fraction said.

Finnish pension money of income have increased over last year. The pension company varma’s investment income increased 8.8% in January–September, managing director Risto Murto told reporters on Friday.Yle

Finland has gone in recent times surprisingly well.

– English is the positiv-standing mystery. We figure we are better than the environment would suggest, he said.

– we Have [economic development] closer to the Usa than Germany.

an Explanation of the Finnish porskutta of is hard to find. One reason is a Burglary in the opinion that in Germany the car industry has suffered. Finland is not as dependent car industry cyclical than the rest of Europe.

the EU-cooperation in the economy deepens

the economic growth is nevertheless expected to slow in the next few years and, for example, the European central bank (ECB) is worried about the EU economy, the crusts on.

the ECB to lower right in September key interest rate deeper into the negative and decided to launch a new securities purchase program.

This was the answer to the market ie for example, just Sure and Ilmarinen such as mouth co-investors expectations. Investor disappointment could lead to stock decline.

the effects of monetary policy are expected to remain weak as the economic recovery and economic growth, the security. Alongside the need for euro area member states, an active fiscal policy. Production and employment should be supported by member states, for example, their budgets.

Recovery optimism grows

Stimulus are presented, as well as the ECB receded executive director Mario Draghi that today on Friday in the opening general manager of Christine Lagarde .

– Is easy to understand retirement the Mms, who thinks monetary policy can no longer be much affected, a Fraction said.

Attitudes are changing in the recovery of more positive also in the member states. Also in Germany and in Holland, where resuscitation would be the most afford, the atmosphere has in the past favorably.

– for two for lagarde may have a better chance to encourage the European countries to revive as draghi the. Lagarde policy background could help the German get to revive, varma’s investment director Reima Rytsölä said.

the pension money you produce very

Finnish pension money of income have increased over last year. The pension company varma’s investment income increased 8.8% in January–September

investments generated € 3.9 billion and the market value of investments rose to 47.4 billion euros.

after the financial crisis, we’ve doubled our investment income, Risto Murto said. Total cumulative investment rate of return has been 24 billion over the last ten years.

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