Yoga has become popular worldwide. Different people practice yoga daily for health benefits. Research too has shown some unbelievable results and health benefits with yoga asanas, breathing exercises and meditation that are an integral part of yoga. There are different kinds of yoga that is popular in different parts of the world. Like all other science, art and sports, Yoga too has evolved and come a long way. There are different versions and modifications of yoga that have become popular in different parts of the world and they suit to different people with different abilities and mentalities. Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Artistic Yoga and Hatha Yoga are some of the popular versions and modifications of the same ancient art that originated from India. However, not many people are aware of one of the most ancient forms of yoga, the Vatsyayan Yoga. In this article we are going to throw more light on this subject.

What is Vatsyayan Yoga?

It is a combination of Vatsayan’s legendary epic/shastra ‘Kama Sutra’ and ‘Hatha Yoga’. Research has found out that some of the Yoga ‘Asanas’(body postures) are identical with the postures and positions that has been explained in Kama Sutra and when these two combine along with other yogic techniques, mainly Chakra excitement, then it can give amazing results while making love.

How it works?

According to Dr. D. Patil of The Patanjali Vidyapeeth, “The act of love making is much more than physical pleasure. When done with proper knowledge, it can well have therapy effects and it can even help in attaining the highest spiritual experience.”

The procedure is no different from any other act of love making but it simply demands more alertness. The trick is to make the Intercourse strokes with proper breathing. The inner stroke should sync with exhalation and the outer stroke should sync with inhalation. This when done with alertness and control over the body would help in awakening the body Chakras, which could well transfer the act from a routine love making deed to a super spiritual experience.

What are Chakras?

There are specific places in the body that has been identified as points of massive energy storage. Indian yogic science has identified seven most energetic places inside the body and these points are called Chakras. Vatsyayan Yoga combines Kama with Chakra awakening to attain amazing results.

Before moving to the Chakras, the couple has to follow some steps. These steps serves as foreplay and prepare the couple for Chakra awakening. There are certain Asanas like the cat pose, Ashwin Kriya and Vajroli Kriya that are going to be effective in this process. The mantra here would be to sync them with inhalation and exhalation. Apart from that appropriate and effective poses and postures are also going to be very useful in this process.

Love making and spirituality

Many people are unaware of the depth that Indian philosophy and spirituality has to offer. For example, Indians are mostly considered shy and reserved in matter of love and love making. However, one should not forget that India is the land of liberal Kama Sutra, that dates back thousands of years back. Those who study it with wisdom would discover that the concept of love making is deeply associated with spirituality and it is taken as a mode to achieve the highest heights of spirituality and targets liberation, which is considered as the ultimate goal of life for humans.

It might surprise and could even sound absurd to many readers as to how could a physical and materialistic deed like sex or love making could be spiritual in any way? In order to understand this concept, one has to have a deeper look at the Indian philosophy, which believes in ‘Ekam Satyam’ or ‘One Truth’. This truth is a state of mind where there is no inner conflict or dualism. The Indian intellectuals called as ‘ The Gyanigans’ have had worked on this theory for thousands of centuries and they have passed on this Gyan or knowledge from one generation to another.

They have realized that this universe is a mystery that can not be demystified by any means due to its infiniteness. They have also realized that the infiniteness of the universe provides uncountable opportunities of self realization as well. Hence, they are many paths or ways to realize the Satya or the ultimate truth. Some of these paths might look stupid, abnormal or too hard to be true but such is the greatness of the universe that it could surprise you with its end results!

Vatsyayan Yoga is one such path as well. From the surface, love making might look like a mean, lusty and non religious deed, but when you do deeper, and experience the spiritual side of it, you would be surprised to see the infinite world of possibilities that is there for you to explore.

The importance of Chakras

Vatsyayan Yoga considers life as a circle and the universe as infinite. In order to achieve liberation or self-realization through Vatsyayan Yoga, one has to understand the concept of the circle, which is that the circle begins and ends at the same point. One this concept is understood and practically experienced through Vatsyayan Yoga, liberation shall be attained.

The location of Chakras

Vatsyayan Yoga has mentioned Seven important Chakras for these proceeds. The Muladhara Chakra is situated around the Anus, the Swadhisthana is located around the genitals, Manipur Chakra is located around the navel cavity, Anahad Chakra surrounds the region of the heart, Vishuddhi Chakra revolves around the thyroid gland, Aagya Chakra is between the forehead and the Sahastrara Chakra is located on the topmost tip of the head.

Each of this Chakra are associated with certain traits and characteristics that gets demystified as and when they are awakened. This is advised to be done in a particular order, just like cleaning the stages of some of your best online casinos games one by one. Once all of these seven Chakras or stages of the game are cleared, you would win the game of life!