A majority of banks expects to close the current year with an unchanged domestic staff, as one of the Swiss bankers Association (SBA) on Thursday published survey shows. In the last survey of the SBA a year ago, around a third of respondents banks in 2018, had expected an improvement in the employment situation. Around two-thirds were assumed to be unchanged employment.

the opposite seems to be true: in 2018, the number of domestic workers by 1.4 percent, while in the previous year, the reduction is still -7,7 per cent. Part of the decline in 2018 is, however, explained by the fact that in group units shifted, which are not covered by the Bank statistics, writes the SBA.

In the first half of 2019, the development of the banking staff, according to the SBA survey declined slightly. The majority of the banks surveyed expect, however, for the second half of 2019, with a constant employment in your institution.

Less banks in Switzerland

in the past year, the number of banks in Switzerland and five to 248 institutions. The decrease relates to the regional banks and savings banks, foreign banks and private banks.

The balance sheet total fell slightly by 0.8 per cent, to 3’225 billion Swiss francs. The growth of the domestic mortgage loans amounted to 3.6 per cent and was thus above the previous year’s figure of 2.7 percent.

on the Decline, the assets under management, which declined by 4.8 percent to a total of 6’943 billion. Determine according to the SBA, the development of share prices was especially. In the global cross-border wealth management for private clients in Switzerland had remained, with a market share of 26.6 percent, still the world market leader.

in Contrast, the institutions were able to increase overall profits. The cumulative profit for the year increased by 17.3 percent to 11.5 billion. (fal/sda)

Created: 29.08.2019, 10:11 PM