In the mysterious case around three kruisboogdoden in the German Passau, another two bodies were found. The dead women were found in the apartment of one of the three victims in Wittingen in lower Saxony, reports a spokesman of the public prosecutor in Passau today.

Last weekend were employees of a pension in Passau three dead with arrows in their body. The body of a 30-year-old woman lay in a pool of blood on the floor of a room. On a bed adjacent layers of a different dead woman (33) and a dead man (53) hand-in-hand.

Read also German police are investigating a bizarre murder: three hotel guests shot with a crossbow

All were killed by kruisboogpijlen. the

The police found in the room three crossbows, two on the bed, one still in a bag. The 33-year-old woman came as well as the man from Rhineland-Palatinate. The three of them was Friday in the guesthouse arrived. Their relationship is unclear. What exactly has play in the room also. The police are going so far from the offender in Passau committed suicide after killing his or her roommates.

The two new bodies were found in the apartment of one of the women. It is not yet known who the two people are. The police are investigating their identity and background.