Shots A smart guy, that Sebe De Vreese (14). On the Kangoeroewedstrijd, an international computing, think – and-puzzle game, he managed a whopping score of 120 on 120. Not unique for the contest, but for the technical school Sint-Jozefinstituut in Shots.

Saint-Jozefinstituut in the Joseph Hendrickxstraat takes all of ten years at the count, thinking and puzzle game of Kangaroo. Already many pupils have achieved all of sometimes 100 or more at 120, but the absolute maximum, no, that scoop is for Sebe De Vreese from the secondary play. “I knew that I pretty well had done, but this score I didn’t expect that,” smiles a beaming Sebe. “I even had one time gambled at an question, but apparently I had guessed (laughs). I admit, math is a bit my thing. I love it so much. Currently we get five hours of math, but that may me more. The formulas, thinking, figuring things out, calculating. I think that is just fun to do.” Later, he wants to prefer a direction with a lot of mathematics to choose. “I’m going to be normal for Industrial Sciences.”