“Children of rich parents lie the most about their credentials”

“Are you a man, and comes from a tight family?”

“Then you are more prone to lie at the job interview.”

“Researchers from Princeton have investigated who is the worst when it comes to exaggerate their knowledge.”

“Or to ”talk bullshit”, as the authors themselves choose to call it.”

“don’t Listen to men who boast about their expertise. “

“the Chance is great that they are exaggerating their abilities. And the higher the social status, the more likely it is that the facade is well trimmed. “

“It has researchers from Princetonuniversitetet ruled in an international study, writes the Washington post. “

“the research group allowed the youth to answer questions about how well versed they were in different mathematical concepts. For each expression, students rank their knowledge on a 5-point scale from ”never heard of” to ”well-versed in, understand the concept”. “

“Among the mathematical terms, there were three that were total nonsense. “

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“the Students replied, ”is well versed in, understand the concept of” if they invented the concepts were categorized as the most conspicuous. Or ”bullshiters”, to use the scientist’s own choice of words. “

“the Study included several English-speaking countries and the result showed that young people from north America were more likely to exaggerate their skills than europeans. “

“And if there had been any championships in the branch it had been won by the canadians, the study found.”

“But also class and gender had significance. The researchers believe that men from well-off families simply copy their parents ‘ successful behavior. “

“Skrytfaktorn can also explain the pay gap between the sexes.”

“this has great significance for how to think about job interviews and how to evaluate merit,” says Nikki Shure, co-author of the study.”