“Think even the conservatives on the Ulf Kristersson?”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“”All political careers end in failure,” noted the british högermannen Enoch Powell in 1977.”

“”All political careers end in failure’.”

“Which is very timely for the tanks to Ulf Kristerssons time as chairman of the conservative party. On maundy Thursday told Swedish radio that the KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor, according to the Sifo had an even greater impact in the media than moderatledaren during the year’s first three months. Even in social media, Busch Thor has gone on. The conservatives are yesterday’s news.”

“Possibly has the moderate parliamentarian Erik Bengtzboe increased attention something. It started with Aftonbladet, april 16, was able to reveal that Bengtzboe picked out 158 000 sek in compensation from the government to write itself in the home of his mother. When Aftonbladet asked questions about the arrangement wrote itself Bengtzboe instead of a simpler holiday homes without a garbage disposal and put up a new mailbox there. His wife and kids are at the same time written in a condominium south of Stockholm.”

“In the interviews have Bengtzboe described the population registration of the mother as a mistake. But regardless of how it is with the thing so is Ulf Kristerssons reaction on the deal very telling.”

“Kristersson hid”

“Kristersson was hiding from the media for several days and then in the middle of the easter weekend to announce that Bengtzboe set aside as a policy spokesperson. “

“the Management is telling of his leadership, first nothing happens – then it goes fast, and getting it wrong. For it was not in the role of policy spokesperson who Bengtzboe wrote with her mom and got out of 158 000 in compensation, but as a member of parliament. And the record will he, therefore, according to the moderatledaren, to retain.”

“How Bengtzboe should be able to”

“but the party still faces the same choice as they did a week ago. Either leave Erik Bengtzboe as member of parliament, or will he be a constant reminder that the Conservatives have double standards. The common people who received too much in subsidies should be clamped to hard. Conservatives, on the other hand is always a second chance.”

“Ulf Kristersson has had an uphill battle since he became leader of the Conservatives in 2017. In the rear view mirror is the big lines easy to see. Under Reinfeldt, moved the Conservatives towards the middle and left högerflanken open for SD. Now when Kristersson want to move back the party to its old position on the right wing is the place occupied by Jimmie Åkesson (SD) and more and more of Ebba Busch Thor. The conservatives have botched away its natural position on the right interstate highway system and now do not trust the voters anymore.”

“the Fact is that the party’s numbers are so low that not even the Conservatives kärnväljare seems to have the confidence of Kristersson. Since January 2018 see opinionskurvan out as a water slide, from around 25% to closer to 15. If the trend continues, the Christian democrats have been the Conservatives just in time for the EUROPEAN elections in late may. What will become of the party then?”

“During the election campaign said Ulf Kristersson often that he would fight right in with the tiles. It was well found and gave the image of an elite swimmer who fought all the way and then some. But in the EU elections, he should probably avoid the same expression.”

“The closest thing the tiles right now are on the bottom.”