Antti-Jussi told MTV in an interview that he had received new power.The video of last season’s smallville.

Last autumn, the Farmer of the bride-programme hostess to the incomparable Antti-Jussi in march, the evening paper the health concerns.

the Program after the filming, Antti-Jussi had to stay in his farm work for a time on sick leave.

I Was a bed patient in November for a week, the man told me.

his body showing symptoms including muscle and joint pain. Even walking around was difficult and all the time was tired.

– I have suspected rheumatism and stuff. The fall struck by despair, when you couldn’t take anything. I know that I, too, countries, Antti-Jussi told the evening newspaper.

Now the man rejoices in the MTV interview he was improving.

Asthma was the main reason that drew so powerless. When no oxygen passed through, so it affected everything else. When I got a proper asthma medication, so started these pains and other disappear then at the same time.

Exercise and self-care are beginning to taste and Antti-Jussi said the dropped up to twenty pounds of weight.

He went to their symptoms because the doctor already in 2015, but at the time asthma was not found.

– Would those meds be nice then to get, so didn’t have to suck, that what is the when between can and between is just broken. Sort of boom followed always worse in the fall season. Clear it now then, at last, Antti-Jussi mused describes the MTV interview.

Antti-Jussi is on the loose. Sanna Taskinen