Astrid Swan will visit today Arto Nyberg talk show in TV1.Astrid Swan wrote about his experiences on the book. Jenni Gästgivar

interview today live TV1: Astrid Swan . A musician told me in a recent book, incurable breast cancer, which she got sick. The first diagnosis, the singer got in 2014, when he was still breast-feeding her child. The second discovery was made two years ago.

the Last book of my writings about life-in his work the Swan through openly also about how the illness has affected her as a spouse and as a mother. Death has become a part of life and it is therefore supposed to deal with the child.

– Sick mother of the child murmured in my ear the whole chemo summer ”you will die”, but therapy nice to the aunts she never talks about it, Swan describes the everyday life.

Swan in addition to Nyberg’s guests are ex-F1 driver, Mika Salo hurdler Lotta Harala .

Arto Nyberg today TV1:ts, at 18: 45.