“The Risk of flygkaos after easter”

“All SAS flights can be set from the 26th of april”

“the Negotiations between SAS and the company’s pilots in Scandinavia have broken down. yet threatening flygkaos. If the conflict is not resolved after easter urbryter strike and all flights are cancelled from april 26. “

“On march 11, negotiations commenced between the SAS and the airline’s pilots. The pilots requires, among other things, higher wages and better working conditions. “

“– There is a difference between the SAS-pilots and the other pilots in Scandinavia, mainly when it comes to our working conditions. A SAS-pilot get their schedule two weeks in advance, in other words there is no predictability in the work. The pilots work in shifts and the only thing they know is that they will have a weekend free during the period. In the worst cases, they can be forced to work seven weekends in a row. It is not the industry standard, other pilots have a greater predictability. With these conditions it is impossible to combine the job with family life, ” says Wilhelm Tersmeden, president of the Swedish Pilotförening.”

“they warn of strikes after easter.”

“the Negotiations broke down on april 1 and, as a result of it has the SAS Pilot Group, which represents 95 per cent of all SAS pilots in the three scandinavian countries, given notice of a strike. From midnight on 26 april, all flights to Sweden, Norway and Denmark. “

“the Mediator has been linked to the conflict shall be resolved. Right now talks are in progress in Denmark with a mediator and a first contact has been taken in Sweden. SPG negotiate for the pilots in each country. “

“– We have the same requirements in both Sweden, Norway and Denmark. When it comes to the wages we have shown how much we have lagged behind in comparison with other pilots. There is no reason that the SAS pilots must be some of the lowest paid in the industry, ” says Wilhelm Tersmeden.”

“Disagreement about löneuppgift”

“But the SAS do not agree with. Torbjörn Granevärn that is’s head of negotiations for the Carriers, the airline industry believes that the wage demands that the pilots of the parliament in the negotiations is unreasonable. He said to Expressen that the average salary for an SAS pilot, including supplements and allowances, is at 93 000 dollars a month.”

“– Pilots ‘ wage demands would mean a 15% increase in value for these payments. It should be compared with other Swedish labour market who receive wage increases of 2.3 per cent in 2019, ” says Torbjörn Granevärn to Expressen.”

“Wilhelm Tersmeden takes away from the statement. “

“– We must have a constructive discussion at the negotiating table and not make the move. There are many pilots who earns around a third of the salary that was mentioned.”

“can Create anxiety in the customers.”

“the SAS have previously submitted a written comment to Aftonbladet. “

“We have noted in a press release from the pilotföreningarna in the three countries that they have chosen to leave the negotiating table and give notice of the termination of a conflict. It is unfortunate because it creates the concern of our customers. The requirements are presented is unreasonable and impossible that SAS will continue to be long term competitive. However, we still have hope and faith that we shall come to a consensus, as we have done with the other medarbetargrupperna in SAS. We want to continue to negotiate, and puts faith in medlingsförfarandena in the three countries.””

” It’s locked positions right now, it is the reason that a mediator is involved. But we take the issue extremely serious and we want to see a solution to the conflict, ” says Wilhelm Tersmeden.”