it Was only a matter of morality, would be like the judgment easily. The Regime in Iran threatens Israel with destruction, support international terrorism, tortured and murdered in their own country, to expand its Power in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. The revolutionary guards, which consist of more than one Million soldiers, the elite unit of the armed forces, and more important than the classic army. You are directly responsible to the Supreme leader of the country Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, control of all borders and military bases, directly and indirectly to a considerable extent with the Iranian economy are intertwined.

so, as the revolutionary guards to be classified as a foreign terrorist organization, as US President Donald it Trump fact now? For more than a decade has been debated about this action in Washington. Now Trump has acted.

last representative of the “axis of Evil”

As you can see it, and so the two neo-conservative hardliners in the American Cabinet, the National security adviser, John Bolton, and foreign Minister Mike Pompeo see it certainly. You want to gradually increase the pressure on Tehran, the last true representative of the legendary “axis of Evil”. You are risking any kind of escalation, up to the Intervention. No coincidence that the foreign Ministry was the decisive factor in the decision, however, against serious objections from the defense and intelligence experts.

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Trump himself had in foreign policy have tended to be rather isolationist tendencies, he wanted to reduce the U.S. military engagement around the world, all-day finish. However, his exit from the nuclear deal with Iran, signaled that he is doing at this opponent is an exception. It was announced a day before the parliamentary elections in Israel, perhaps the US President and his Buddy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to do a Favor. The thanked in any case, immediately in the case of his “dear friend Donald Trump”. The have been in response to an important demand of him.

However, Trump should know that not all of the claims by Netanyahu, if implemented, make the Middle East safer. Unforgettable is his appearance before members of Congress in September 2002, when Netanyahu campaigned fervently for an American Invasion of Iraq. “I guarantee you,” said he, “that an overthrow of Saddam will have hugely positive impact on the entire Region.” It came to be known to be different.

In politics, especially in security policy, there is the principle of the lesser Evil. To the short-term success will sometimes long-term risks need to be addressed. Churchill and Roosevelt agreed with Stalin against Hitler. The goal sanctify the means. The US armed the Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviet occupiers, Erich Honecker was received in the Federal Republic of Germany as a state guest. When is the Alliance partner of the accomplices, when the strategic calculus turns out to be the perspective of stupidity? Such questions can often only answer in retrospect.

precedent must> be considered

<p class="MsoNormal" The U.S. state Department considers, currently sixty groups as "foreign terrorist organisations", including "Al Qaeda," the terrorist militia "Islamic state", Hamas. However, with the revolutionary guards, the verdict makes met for the first Time, a state of dispute. Such a precedent must be well-considered and well-justified cases.

The U.S. government hoped that a decisive weakening of the regime. But even the Opposition in Iran has been pointedly behind the revolution garden. For a mass survey of the people against the despots – such as the “Arab spring” in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria – there are currently no signs.

Clearly, the risks can, however, designate. In countries with a strong Iranian influence in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq – it is for the United States even more difficult to establish contacts. Many of the Shiite militias have close ties to the revolutionary guards. The American confrontation can encourage also those in Iran who would like to resume the nuclear program of your country. And last not least: China and Russia will intensify their relations with the Mullahs. China needs Iranian Oil, Russia needs Iran as a factor of stability in Syria.

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“A historic step” the United States levels of Iran’s revolutionary guards as a terrorist group a

As I said: if it Were only to morality, would be like the judgment easily. But it is also about wisdom and sound judgment. Trump would not be the first US President who evaluates the dynamics in the middle East is wrong.