For Israel, it could have been a historic day. A the Land of Benjamin Netanyahu clicks off and on as Prime Minister. One, it opts for a less polarizing style of politics. One, the political stance of a moderate external. It was the wish of the Challenger, and Ex-General Benny Gantz. But his hope is not fulfilled. Netanyahu stands in front of his fifth term of office.

The estimated Mr. Security

even More: The duration of the Prime was the top candidate for years, the best result for his right-wing Likud – despite all the scandals and allegations of corruption. For a large part of the Israeli protection and safety is now. Both many citizens of the Jewish state to trust only him. Therefore, you have decided in favour of Mr. Security. Once again.

He is the guarantor of the “Villa in the jungle”. The Villa is Israel. The jungle – this is the Israel hostile environment of the Middle East. And Netanyahu, so it is felt by many people between Haifa and Eilat, ensures that the jungle is devouring your country. Because the 69-Year-old clear edge. The.

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So strengthened is likely to be Netanyahu, no smears ready. And he knows one other, very powerful hardliners at his side: U.S. President Donald Trump. This will get the Palestinians are the First to feel it.

Two, the understand. On many issues, US President, Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu lie on a line.Photo: Susan Walsh/Reuters

the target levels of the election campaign, had asked Netanyahu is already clear that there should be, with him as the head of the government, no own sovereign state. Large parts of the occupied West Bank, which wants to Annex the “King Bibi” – in violation of international law.

two-state solution? No interest

And none be deceived: Netanyahu will do everything to make his promise by deeds. Now he feels strong enough to carry the two-state solution to the grave. Peace with Arabs? For Netanyahu, this is no more than an Illusion.

Trump is for him to hardly be in the Parade. The wants to present his “historic Deal” to end the middle East conflict, virtually at a stroke. Yet little is known about the Plan known. But if not mistaken, then POPs out for the Palestinians.

A party to the dispute. The Iranian revolutionary guards are one of the pillars of the regime.Photo: imago images/UPI Photo

This speaks for the angry times. Particularly risky, Yes, fire is dangerous Trumps and Netanyahu’s harsh approach in terms of Iran. Both are United by the Conviction that the Mullahs in Tehran are representative of the Evil in the world.

This Evil want to fight Israel’s Prime Minister and America’s President together with all the Power and all means. Confrontation instead of compromise, because Netanyahu, and Trump agrees. Who is talking about a more moderate dealing with the Islamic Republic, the word applies to you as a blue-eyed sissy.

Iran, a troublemaker

In fact, the Regime in Tehran is a troublemaker, supports terrorist groups and is trying to make his sphere of power with military means to expand. Nevertheless, An escalating conflict of Israel with Iran especially in Syria carries with it the great danger of a war.

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success after a dirty election campaign, Netanyahu wins the stir up the fear of the Arabs

Lissy Kaufmann

The revolutionary guards, straight from America, on a list with terrorist organizations, as an opponent of a completely different number than, for example, Hamas in the Gaza strip. However, this risk appear to take Trump and Netanyahu. You stay in your relentless course, you could run the Whole thing out of hand. Then the “Villa Israel threatened” significant cracks.