Over 100 danes are at step 11 or above in the European Commission. It is apparent from a fact sheet from the Commission, which Ekstra Bladet has read.

It means that 100 danes earns the same or more than the prime minister.

at the Top of the hierarchy is Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen. She was in the middle of march, was promoted to the director-general of the Commission’s communications department. Thus is she the layer just under the president of the commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

You can read the entire Ekstra disclosure of the exorbitant salaries of the European Commission

at the Top of the pyramid
Since 1995, her career just gone one way in the big machinery in Brussels – up.

Among other things, she has served as hovedtalsperson of the Commission and has, therefore, been to countless press conferences and expounded the EU’s vision of the world.

another dane is also high on the straw in the EU system. Although Preben Aamann not employed in the European Commission, but as the top cheftalsmand for EU president Donald Tusk, is he in the top of the official pyramid with the related tax benefits as a dane.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Preben Aamann, but he has not returned.

Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen announces in an email that she did not want to comment.

A needle’s eye,

A nice and well paid career in the EUROPEAN top is certainly not something to come easily to.

A career in the EU is in fact so popular, that thousands of applicants are sorted from every time the door opens for new applicants to the training program, which is the key to a working life in Brussels finest offices.

According to the Djøf Magazine will only 158 out of the 28.142 european applicants get through the eye of the needle, when, in april, closing up for the golden list, from which the union recruit new employees.

Since 2010, only nine danes coped with the dreaded so-called concours, which consists of three tests that must be passed before applicants are presented with a UNION job in view.

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See also: rich starry: Vestager scores of millions

Facts: the EU institutions

the european UNION consists of a number of different institutions, each makes decisions on behalf of the EU and its member states.

The most important thing is the following:

European Commission: Handles the interests of the EU as a whole and is politically independent. The commission shall draw up draft laws and implement the decisions that will be taken. Each of the governments shall appoint one member each.

The European Council: Consists of the heads of state and government and defining the UNION’s political line and prioritize. The council shall adopt, not a law, but establishes the overall line.

the Members are directly elected by the citizens of the EU countries. The european parliament adopts legislation jointly with The European Council.

Consists of each of the countries ministers within their area. The council is to adopt legislation jointly with the Parliament.

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