“Insurance helps the victims of violence in the home,”

“most home insurance does not replace violence in close relationships, and many sufferers are, therefore, without the help from the insurance companies.”

“But now, more companies offer överfallsersättning also in the home – and one of them urgently cash payments for the fleeing.”

“It was on 1 January 2018 as the Folksam became the first insurance company to reimburse assault that takes place in the home.”

“As in the rest of the industry had the company’s home insurance policy before its only covered violence that takes place on the street – and not on the offender are included in the same household.”

“Now the hooks are also ICA Insurance on and change their rules in överfallsskyddet.”

“– this anachronistic exemption has had an unequal effect, as it has primarily been women who have to bear without compensation, ” says managing director Caroline Farberger.”

“Both in the Folksam and ICA Insurance, home insurance, are, however, still a clear standard of proof.”

“to be able to get out överfallsersättningen required that the person made a complaint to the police, involved in the investigation and would rather the companies also there will be a final judgment – a process that in most cases it takes a long time.”

“Faced with completely new protection”

“At the same time, the face of the ICA the Insurance therefore also a so-called omställningsskydd with immediate cash payments to the who are fleeing a violent relationship.”

“The only thing that is required is that a women’s shelter or similar to confirm the need, so the insured up to sek 15 000 a month for three months, for example food, purchasing clothes and household goods.”

“According to Farberger it is hemförsäkringens omställningsskydd that will have the most practical significance.”

“– When you visit a women’s refuge or sheltered accommodation, you’re in an incredibly vulnerable situation. Of course, emotional, but also practical and economic, ” she says.”

“– And it is in the situation that we want to strengthen up. Then it can get more money later in the time of the violation, and so on – but then you have in all cases passed the critical period.”

“Liselotte Falk, a member of the board of The national organization for women’s shelters and young in Sweden (Roks), the ICA, the Insurance initiative.”

” the Decision to leave a relationship involves so many things. But I think that women with this protection in all cases, feel that they do not need to keep in mind that the money will not be enough, ” she says.”

“– Then there are still things to do in this. A big group will not go to shelters, but goes home to her mother, cousin or friend. Such a person accepts the insurance companies do not as a guarantee that this violence has occurred.”

“What applies to the change in the överfallsskyddet she thinks that it is not”

“Håkan Franzén, försäkringsexpert at trygg-hansa, do not agree, however with. Of them still apply the old rules.”

“– the home insurance generally does not apply at all in any case, when you harm the property or each other in the home, it is so the home insurance works. And then it’s a little hard to break loose just överfallsskyddet, he says, but stresses that the company offers crisis support in the form of psykologsamtal and that there is also an accident insurance that can go in.”

“– The women is not in försäkringsnöd, this is an insurance policy that can help.”

“ICA Insurance new rules come into force on Monday 1 april. In parallel with the omställningsskyddet also introduces a so-called ombudshjälp of up to sek 15 000, per insured, for example, help with a review of a discontinued preliminary investigation.”

“Of those who were subjected to ill-treatment in 2016, say 18 per cent to gärningspersonen was a related, shows national Crime prevention Council (Brå) National trygghetsundersökning. But the differences between the sexes are large. Of the women states 40% to gärningspersonen was a related party, while the corresponding proportion for men is 3 per cent.”