The mother of four children Gill Walker claims the countess Sophie who delivered the police car crashed into his car.Countess Sophie transported the police car ran into the mother of the family car. EPA

the british newspaper, the Mirror to tell the road from törttöilystä, whose starring is the royal family of the countess Sophie , 54. The mother of four children Gill Walker claims to the magazine that his car crashed into a roadside police car, which was carrying Sophie. Sophie transported the police car did not stop after the crash, but continued on his journey, because the road couldn’t stop.

the collision happened during rush hour, when Gill Walker was changing lanes in Birmingham city centre. The countess who delivered the police car after coming from behind another cop car, which tells women vehicle which transported the royal. The mother of the family wants the insurance of a replacement car came dents.

the Mirror data according to Sophie was the only member of the royal family in Birmingham that day. The countess visited the fresh research centre opening in birmingham over in the hospital.

Source: the Mirror.