“Grow – Tips for your cultivation”

“put the tree in a pot for the balcony and terrace”

“Tree in a pot, can it? Well, actually, it’s possible to set, in principle, all the trees in a pot as long as they do not become too large. But there are a few things to keep in mind. Here gardeners Bosse Rappnes the best tips.”

“– not everyone is as fortunate to have a garden with space for large trees and shrubs, ” says Bosse Rappne, gardener at Ulriksdals castle garden. “

“wouldn’t it be great to enjoy syrendoften, pick apples or sit in the shade of a small trädkrona even if you only have access to a small balcony. And it is actually possible. “

“– the most Important thing when planting trees is to use a large pot. The tree consists of two parts, one above-ground, stem and crown, and the other in the soil, the roots, and both are approximately equal. So choose a pot that is at least three times as large as the root ball, ” says Bosse Rappne. “

“There is a lot to choose from if you want to put a tree in a pot. Bosse Rappne have chosen a uppstammad rödvinbärsbuske, Jonkheer van Product, which has a strong growth habit and large, brilliant red, berries.”

“– Currants and lilacs are my favorites in the pot, ” he says. When planting, so here it is, after all, a hole in the krukans the bottom of the dräneringens sake and to be able to move on without clay or soil from going out the need for a krukskärva over the hole.”

“He is knocking apart a small crock and takes a bulbous piece and put over the hole so that the water can pass but everything else stays behind.”

“– Load only 3-4 centimeters with drainage materials, such as clay. The earth supplies the tree with nutrients and retains the water. It is for a bit of soil, you may run home at lunch and water, and it is not so good, ” says Bosse Rappne.”

“He fills on a layer of clay and then urnjord, which is a soil mixture that is especially suited for pots. It lasts a long time and the industry will last approximately a month. Then you mix nutrition in bevattningsvattnet or add something long acting fertilizer in the soil.”

“– Woody plants should never have soil up on the stem, ” says Bosse Rappne. And the surface should end up being a bit under krukans edge so it doesn’t overflow when you water.”

“A tree grows in several years. And it is smart to have a uppstammat tree on the balcony, where there can be a bit crowded, is that when you’re sitting next to it is the crown of your head and you can enjoy the scent, taste or shade, but it takes so much space.”

“– Around the tree I put a few plants of wild strawberries for the children’s sake, so they can go here and pick. Quick, easy and good, so can you sum it up here, ” says Bosse Rappne.”

“10 trees and shrubs for the flower pot”