LIVING. Today is world water day, the day on which we traditionally asked to be more conscious about our water consumption to jump. In a Flemish family is that an average of 114 gallons per day. Largest slokop is the shower, where there is 24 litres through the drain flows. Saving is, however, not difficult. Less time to have a shower, helps a lot. Or you can also use the Upfall Shower to install a shower up to 80 % less consumed.

The Upfall Shower of Xenz consumes only 1.2 litres of hot water per minute and is thus the most energy-efficient shower in the world. That’s because a large part of the water recovered. It is collected, filtered, heated, and circulated. The beam is just as powerful as a standard showerhead.

The Upfall Shower is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet, because you waterfactuur decreases and you pay less heating costs. The installation is quite expensive: depending on the model you choose, expect to pay between 3.495 and 4.195 euros. Below you can see how the shower works and you can read the roadmap. You can order via this link.