vigilante justice in a vigilante manner, or moral courage? In may 2016, attacked in the Saxon town of Arnsdorf four men – as it turned out later: mentally refugee from the Iraq health. It had previously passed in the supermarket dispute with the cashier to abtelefonierte cell phone map, the men numbered tribulation of the young asylum-seeker first, verbally. Then they went to him, pushed him out of the market. And tied him up before the summoned police arrived, with cable ties to a tree.

The incident was in June 2016, as a Video of the event was placed on the network, nationwide headlines. One of the men, a CDU district Council, Detlef Oelsner. The is now again in the limelight: In the municipal elections on 26 October. May he compete in Arnsdorf as a local councillor for the AfD. The party in the village put him on the first place of a list of twelve candidates, as an employee of the AfD-district Association of Bautzen on the daily mirror-confirmed request. Officially, the deadline for the submission of candidate proposals with the authorities ends on Thursday.

AfD celebrates the previous CDU-politician as a hero

the AfD is celebrated Oelsner now as a Hero. The candidacy for the AfD was “a good thing, because we need the AfD citizens, which, if necessary, the courage of his convictions against migrants violence,” tweeted the Magdeburg AfD in the Bundestag, Frank Pasemann, is a national Board member of his party.

The Vice-Saxon AfD-Chairman Maximilian Krah shares Pasemanns evaluation. He wrote on Twitter, “the brave citizens of Arnsdorf” had acted lawfully and in Paragraph 32 of the criminal code, emergency, can be invoked. “The citizens are not defenseless against the illegal immigrants, and that is a good thing!” And more: “house peace breakage was present. In addition, the migrants continue to beat then, while the citizens, who had to tie him up for self-protection.”

“A real Alternative” – Detlef Oelsner on a candidate poster of the CDU in Arnsdorf.Photo: CDU Arnsdorf

Oelsner did not contest in 2016, to be in the bondage of the asylum seeker with cable ties to a tree. The Iraqis had become, in the supermarket aggressively, described the then CDU-man of the AfD-affiliated newspaper “Young freedom”: “Because we have Packed it, there was a tussle, and then we had him outside. I then immediately called the police.” As the Iraqis have put up a fight, he had taken him “in a headlock and we have ties with several of the cable to a tree tied up”.

Also in the interview with “Bento” defended Oelsner his action: “I am neither AfD nor a Nazi, or Pegida, man,” he said. The existence of a citizens ‘ militia in Arnsdorf denied Oelsner. The CDU-man wanted his act is understood as the courage of his convictions, and not as right-wing activism. The allegations to be dealt with severely, he denied: “We know how we have to deal with the mentally ill.”

The public Prosecutor in Görlitz had collected by the end of 2016 against the four men, among them Detlef Oelsner, charges on suspicion of false imprisonment. The proceedings before the district court of Kamenz was then, in April 2017. The judge assumed that there is no public interest in prosecution and the guilt of the offender is to be regarded as low. Today, the AfD-politician Krah had represented the United States at that time as a lawyer before the court. In front of the court building in Kamenz showed solidarity right-wing extremists, with the accused men, and spoke of a “show trial”. The Prosecutor had been threatened, according to a report by the MDR-magazine “Exactly” before the trial massive.

Shortly before the trial, the frozen body of a refugee in a forest had been found in the district of Saxon Switzerland/Eastern ore mountains – external influences, excluded by the authorities. The provincial police chief Conny Steal had defended the violent actions of the four men against the fugitive in 2016 as “correct”.

CDU-exclusion came Oelsner through the outlet before

On the website of the municipality of Oelsner is still referred to as the CDU-the local Council. He is, however, already occur from the party and was a candidate for the AfD threat of exclusion proceedings before. Don’t want to comment on the graphs by the local CDU district Executive Director Thomas Israel the operation: “He is not a member of the CDU. Thus, the file is closed.” The date of the Party escapes Oelsner don’t want to call Israel on the grounds of privacy.

In the Saxon CDU had triggered the actions of the four men against the Iraqi refugee 2016 different reactions. The former Saxon CDU Secretary General and current Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer tweeted: “Arnsdorf raises many questions that urgently need to be clarified. Police are investigating. Judgment can then be made.” The former CDU-state and current Bundestag Deputy Alexander Krauß defended his former party friend in the “young freedom”: “in My opinion, has hired Detlef Oelsner and acted correctly, and thus injuries are avoided. Act and call the police is definitely better than looking away.”

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Arnsdorf in Saxony vigilante refugee ties after a dispute in a supermarket

Matthias Meisner

CDU-Ortsverband Arnsdorf, however, said: “to tie people to trees is far from the Christian self-image of the CDU and is also not, in our view, the rule of law. There is no vigilante justice in the guise of a citizen must be military.”