“Brazil and the United States were never closer than we are now,” said Donald Trump on Tuesday in Washington on the occasion of the Visit of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro . He even brought a Nato-membership of the South American country into the game. If he had, “to appoint Brazil as a major Non-Nato allies, or perhaps, if you think about it, maybe to a Nato allies,” said the US President.

“I need to speak with a number of people”, says that Brazil “might be a Nato-ally” could be added Trump in front of journalists. A recording of Brazil in the transatlantic defence Alliance would bring “security and co-operation of our countries are extraordinary.”

Before his visit with Trump in the White house Bolsonaro had signed an agreement, according to which the US is Brazil’s spaceport Alcantara. “We want to make Brazil again, so as to Trump the United States again wants to make it big,” said Bolsonaro on Monday at the US chamber of Commerce with a view to Trumps campaign slogan.

It’s the location of rockets and satellites

The agreement with the US company provides technical security measures, to allow for commercial satellite launches in Alcántara. Alcántara is located in the Northern state of Maranhao in the Brazilian Atlantic coast. Because of its convenient location close to the Equator, rockets need less fuel than other places.

With the agreement with the US, Brazil wants to cut out the European spaceport in Kourou in neighboring French Guiana. The Brazilian Parliament has to agree to the agreement. A similar agreement of Ex-President Fernando Henrique Cardoso had refused with reference to Brazil’s sovereignty. In 2003 came the Explosion of a carrier rocket in Alcántara, 21 people were killed.

“Historic opportunity”

Trumps National security adviser, John Bolton, called Bolsonaros visit to Washington for a “historic opportunity”, the two “largest democracies of the West”.

The two politically right-wing President Trump and Bolsonaro are many questions on a line. The trip to the USA is Bolsonaros first state visit since he took office in January. The self-declared Trump admirer has announced a realignment of Brazil’s foreign policy and a rapprochement with the United States. (fal/sda)

Created: 19.03.2019, 20:47 PM