although they are not a guarantee, but an indication of the construction activity: the number of building permits in both the activities on the real estate markets as well as the Numbers of the expected new buildings. The number of building permits has fallen in 2018, slightly – in spite of the great demand for real estate, especially in the big cities.

The number of approved dwellings fell by 2018 nationwide within a year’s period, up slightly by 0.2 percent to around 347 300. This is the German Federal Statistical office announced on Thursday in Wiesbaden. The Figures apply to new buildings as well as for measures in existing buildings such as renovations or increases. The decline corresponds to a decline of 800 building permits compared to the previous year in 2017. After years of growth, building permits declined in 2017, something.

The real estate and housing industry and the trade Union IG BAU, proposed after the publication of the Figures for Alarm. “Ideological discussions of further regulations of the housing markets, or even expropriation, as in Berlin, are a sham and perpetuate the housing shortage on duration,” warned Axel Gedaschko, President of the leading Association of the housing industry GdW.

In the case of new buildings – so the statisticians have been approved in the past year, approximately 302 800 apartments (plus 0.7 percent). Alone in the multi-family homes, there were approximately 180 700 approved homes, an increase of 4.7 percent. In contrast, building permits for single-family homes declined slightly. Significantly fewer permits were for two-family homes, which fell by 6.5 per cent, and for apartments in residential homes (minus 24 percent). This also includes accommodations for refugees. For new apartments, which will be built in already existing buildings, have been issued in the past year, about 38 600 permits, as the statisticians said. The rate was 8.4 percent less than in 2017.

“The scope of action are exhausted” to cover

To the great demand, according to the assessment of policy and construction industry annually, 350 000 to 400 000 flats in Germany. This Is far Numbers. 2017 just 285 000. In the past year could be become according to the construction industry, approximately 300 000 dwellings. The industry is busy, given the long real estate boom, strong, home builders often have to wait months to artisans.

“The freedom of action of owners and investors are exhausted,” criticized the Federal Association of Free real estate and housing companies (BFW). Building land is in urban agglomerations hardly available, and a lengthy approval process, as well as numerous regulations put a stop to the new building. The “snakes in the apartment visits” would also in the future, not less, afraid of the Association. From the actual New Germany “is miles away”. Because not all approved dwelling can be built.

the number of dwellings completed in 2017, at 285 000 was, in 2018, similar Numbers would be expected. What is needed is a “common political will for more new construction” in the Federal government, the länder and the municipalities, which is concerned with the conditions, such as the building regulations and lengthy procedures.

The IG BAU demanded that the Federal government should add””. Particularly disappointing is the number of building permits for One – family and two-family houses. That in spite of the imported baukinder money at this point such declines, “should be the Federal government to think”.

policy slows housing

Only every Tenth spoke in an opinion poll by the funding agent clearly, the baukinder money influencing the decision for the construction or purchase of a property. The greatest skepticism in the case of low-wage earners, as well as in urban areas. The opinion research company Civey had people in the order of 5000 between 1. and the 3. March of this year, interviewed. The results are representative for the German population from the age of 18.

In Berlin, the number of approved dwellings from January to September 2018 declined, according to the Berlin-Brandenburg statistics office, compared with the same period last year by 3.7 per cent to 17 of 157, including 14 716 new apartments (-5.6 percent).

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“The new housing construction in Berlin must act quickly to positions of 25 000 finished (currently 15 000) in the year to grow”, said the SPD-Committee of experts VIII, Social city, under the chairmanship of Volker Härtig in a slogan for the Congress. The “common political disabilities, the housing” must come to an end. While in Berlin between 2011 and 2016, building permits and completions in the housing tripled, or between 2013 and 2016, more than doubled, as it says in the technical Committee paper, “has stagnated since the inauguration of Bausenatorin Lompscher (Left), the number of approved flats and drops”. with dpa, and AFP