A party of uncontrolled Polish meat changed in a few weeks the contents of the köttgrytorna in the Stockholm school. Matleverantören Klein’s Kitchen who cooked Boeuf bourguignon in the flesh to 26 private schools are now buying only meat from Sweden or the Nordic region. Both the city of Stockholm and Nacka municipality tightens during the spring of their inköpsregler for food in the municipal schools shall comply with the Swedish animal welfare law.

not intentionally matbedrägeri. The Polish meat was svartslaktat and provided with false livsmedelskontrollstämplar. The EU has strict livsmedelsregler in order to guarantee the quality of all the meat in the union, but to completely protect themselves against systematic cheating is impossible.

– Matfusk is also available in Sweden, we have had about 100 cases of suspected fraud each year. Among other things, where you deliberately placed obesiktigat meat on the market. We suspect that there are a large number of unreported cases, ” says Louise Nyholm, statsinspektör on the Nfa.

the Swedish national Food administration sent last year out of 110 warnings about suspicious livsmedelsbedrägeri in the european RASFF-system, of which ten per cent was meat. The last few years, several extensive cases of köttfusk uncovered. 2017 was discovered in a systematic svartslakt of horses in Skåne, where the slaughterhouse counterfeit veterinärstämpeln with potatoes. Over 100 tonnes of horsemeat were withdrawn, but most of it was already eaten.

revealed the city of Stockholm, the inspection of two companies that sold meat that was neither Swedish or organic.

the Meat came from Spain, Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania and a broom in Sutherland, but was sold as the gotlandic kravmärkt, ” says Shwan Kareem, stadsveterinär in the city of Stockholm.

After the disclosure has the food been tightened. Since the end of the year, people who deliberately deceives or misleads the consumers get up to two years in jail – but so far no indictment.

– We have a special fuskgrupp of five to six inspectors, who are working hard to stop the rogue on the market, but we need tips from the public also, ” says Shwan Kareem.

Read more: Köttskandalen beats out the multi-billion dollar business in Poland